LoL Best Garen Jungle Build Guides 2025
Build guides for Garen Jungle on MOBAFire. Find recommended items and runes by high ranked players to learn the best Garen Jungle builds. Create your own champion guide!
Season 7 Builds
Garen Jungle - Unstopable Force!
Season 6 Guides
Garen jungle (comprehensive guide on jungle garen)
Season 6 Builds
[Papa Garen] [6.19] [Only Build]
Fatalsoldier's Jungle Garen
[Season 7] AP Garen Jungle without Smite
Season 5 Guides
Garen in the Jungle
Garen Jungle: Swinging through the Jungles like Tarizan.
Season 5 Builds
Tanky Garen Jungle
Garen Jungle
Garen Jungle - Demacia's Pride! S5
Garen Jungle - Death Spin -
AP Garen IS the New Meta
AP Garen IS the New Meta
Experimental Jungle Garen
Garen JG S5!
Garen, The Beefy Jungler
Garen : The new jungler of Demacia : Pre S5
Season 4 Guides