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Sion's biggest problems in lane are champs with high DPS and champs with high sustain. Tryndamere has both of these, so you have to be extremely careful if you are pushed up vs. Tryndamere. Sion has no escapes, and although he has good cc, Tryndamere can deal a lot of damage to you chasing you back to your tower.
I recommend getting anti-auto-attack items if you are vs. Tryndamere (ninja tabi + randuin's + frozen heart + thornmail)
Aatrox has huge sustain. You won't be able to dent him in lane. Max W first so that you can trade without dying.
Another high-sustain champ, but Cho'Gath is a tank with some decent burst. This will be a farm lane.
You are both high-cc tanks, so jungle ganks will determine who wins the lane here.
Riven can burst you after level 6 fairly easily. However, she has no sustain so you can win the lane by poking her down with E. Always try to hit her with E after her shield is down. Build armor and health so that she can't burst you.
Jarvan IV
He has good burst, but average DPS. He is melee, so landing E against him should not be too difficult. Poke him down with E, build armor + health during lane. Once you get Sunfire Cape, you should be able to stand and trade with him.
Irelia has good sustain, good DPS, and good burst after level 6. You can bully her level 1-5 but after level 6 you need to watch out for her combo.
Play passively and wait for a gank.
Lee Sin
Lee Sin has sustain, but it's not that great. Stay behind minions and poke him down with E. Use W if he jumps to a minion or hits you with Q.
Be careful after level 6, his burst combo with his ultimate does a lot of damage.
Malphite just wants to farm and play passive until teamfights where he really shines.
Punish him for every cs he tries to get, and poke him with E whenever possible. You want to try and keep his passive down as long as possible.
Some malphite players may build straight AP, if this is the case then you need to play defensively after level 6, ap malphite burst with ultimate is dangerous.
Renekton is high-burst, good-DPS, and high-sustain. Sion has problems with Renekton in lane. You will be playing for farm in this lane. Bait out Renekton's Q or E, then wait for minions to push to your side and call for a gank.
Darius is not a big threat to Sion. He has no sustain and no mobility. Poke him down with E, if he grabs you, stun him with Q to escape.
Even though Sion does decently against Darius, Sion is still melee, and so you will eventually lose lane without jungler help. Make sure the jungler knows to gank for you.
You can hang with Trundle in the early game, but after he gets cutlass he will outsustain and out-damage you. After that point, you'll need to play passive and wait for jungler ganks, and/or look for teleport plays in other lanes.
Not a common pick, but Garen is extremely good against Sion. He has decent trading ability, and good sustain. Also his ultimate is great vs. tanks like Sion.
You need to do your best to keep his passive down and poke him with E at every opportunity.
Shen is very easy for Sion. He has ok sustain but does fairly poor DPS. Also you have your Q and R to stop his ult.
Just make sure you trade in bursts. Poke with E, follow up with W, and then back off. Shen excels in extended trades due to his passive and Q
Maokai is very similar to you: a cc tank with %-health damage. The difference is maokai has good sustain, while you don't have any.
Jungler presence will determine who wins this lane.
You can bully Nasus level 1-5, after level 6 it will be hard to kill him. After level 9 you won't be able to stop him from farming. Still, your mixed damage and cc will help deny him from farming for quite a while. Play aggressive against him.
However between your E and Q, he should not ever get close enough to kill you, so this becomes a farm lane, and Nasus outscales you, so you must make more of an impact on the game before he gets farmed.
Vladimir is high-sustain + high-DPS, this is bad news for Sion. He can easily sustain through your harass starting around level 5, and can poke you down much faster than you can poke him down.
Your one advantage is that you have a lot off cc and he has none. You have to play passively, hope you get jungler ganks, and be more useful during teamfights.
A strong burst champ, you have to be wary of her after level 6. Until then you can bully her hard, her damage is very weak, and requires her to auto-attack you. If she gets too close, E her and walk away.
Your W range covers her whole shroud, so she can hide from your W.
He will try to harass you with Q when you last-hit, you should respond by E'ing him.
Landing a Q will be very difficult due to him dashing around everywhere. You might even want to avoid putting a point into it during laning.
He'll wreck you if you get too close. However, he has no sustain and you can poke him from long-range. Poke him down and ask for jungler ganks, Darius is one of the weakest champions vs. ganks.
very strong top-laner, she can punish you almost every time you try to last-hit. However your E outranges anything she has, so poke as much as possible, she has no sustain. Once you get her low enough you can go all-in with an ult.
You're both tanks, however you have long-range poke and a shield. If you see Singed run at you (or use his adhesive on you), turn on the shield to scare him away. If he comes at you, detonate it. You can also E him if he comes to close, which can let you get away.
Jax will eventually reach the point where you can no longer 1v1 with him, and he can just all-in and kill you at will. However, that point doesn't come until at least level 11 + BotRK, so you have a good portion of laning phase to bully him and get ahead.
Jax is an auto-attack champ, so get anti-auto-attack items (Tabi, Frozen Heart, Randuin's, Thornmail) to shut him down in teamfights
Azir has some decent harass, but he has no sustain and your poke outranges his. Just stay back and whittle him down with E. You can't really ult him in lane though, he will just throw up his ult and block you.
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