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Veigar Build Guide by LxVer



Updated on May 15, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LxVer Build Guide By LxVer 15,320 Views 0 Comments
15,320 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author LxVer Veigar Build Guide By LxVer Updated on May 15, 2023
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Runes: A - Standar

1 2 3
First Strike
Perfect Timing
Biscuit Delivery
Cosmic Insight

Manaflow Band
Gathering Storm

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2 3
99.8% of games
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide


By LxVer
My presentation
Who am i?
I'm literally a nobody that just plays a lot and -thinks that- has a good amount of knowledge about the game.

What makes this guide useful?
Absolutly NOTHING. I'm Platinum IV, I know about itemization, matchups and things about League in general but not that much...

Why do you play Veigar Toplane?
As a tank/bruiser main sometimes the game gets a little boring due to some one sided matchups like Fiora vs Ornn or Mordekaiser vs Illaoi. I allways liked off meta picks (my most played champion ever is AP Shaco Top) and infinite scaling champions, so I decided that it would be a good -or at least fun- idea to bring some of those type of champion to the most passive and boring lane, where everyone wants to farm and scale. That's how I got the idea of Senna Top, Kassadin Top, Veigar Top and Thresh Top.
Is Veigar Top viable?
Veigar top is a good pocket pick for whenever your team misses AP. The lower the elo you are playing, the better it would be; every jungle from Masters and above knows that he has to camp the Veigar Toplane, but that in Platinum or Gold doensn't happed, so they let you farm and scale like a monster. But, at the same time, if your jungler knows he is playing with a Veigar Top, he should know that Toplane is a free gank lane; if he goes top, ther would be a kill for sure due to the massive hitbox of E.
If your team doesnt have a fronlaner support or jungle you will probably lose, even if you are feed... so if your jungler is hovering Nidalee, Karthus or Kindred and your support picks Soraka, Janna or Nami DO NOT EVER PICK VEIGAR. If your jungler hovers Zac, Maokai or Rammus or your supports picks Nautilus, Alistar or Amumu then you can pick Veigar.

PROS and CONS about Veigar Toplane:
Fun and easy to masterize.
Has a massive mid and late game.
Has CC so he can't be useless.
Even if he is not ahead of the enemy he can deal damage.
Good gank set up and teamfight.
The enemy will counter pick mid thinking that it's Veigar mid, so my midlaner can counter pick my counter pick.

If you find a bad matchup you will probably struble against it.
Painfull early game.
Easily counterplayed (Mercury's Treads and Maw of Malmortius are items).
Allways start Doran's Ring for mana and AP. On first recall you want a Dark Seal 100% of the games and -if you have enogh gold- a Tear; with this, Manaflow Band and Cookies you can spam abilities with no mayor punishment; either to farm or to poke the enemy Toplaner. If you cant aford a Tear then you can buy either Refillable Potion or the basic boots, it's fine.

As a mythic item the 95% of your games the best option is Rod of Ages, if you are behind this will get you an advantage really easily, if you are ahead this item will make you even stronger. In those 5% of games that you want other item than Rod of Ages, that's Everfrost. It's good against champions that can just run at you and kill you, like a Dariu, Nasus or Sion... but I still prefer Rod of Ages honestly. NEVER build Luden's Tempest, NEVER build Liandry's Anguish, NEVER build Hextech Rocketbelt, NEVER build Crown of the Shattered Queen, NEVER build Riftmaker.
You never ever want to delay your Rod of Ages, so if you can speedrun building it then that's massive, the earlier you get the item, the earlier you can one shot enemies. Due to this, you will have non-upgraded boots until your first item. But that's what you want, because you want to -adapt- depending on the enemy composition:
If enemy team has a lot of CC then you want Mercury's Treads.
If enemy has a lot of auto attackers then you want Plated Steelcaps.
If enemy has any champion that can constantly slow you (like Dr. Mundo or Shaco) then you want the Swiftness ones.
If enemy has a lot of Magic Resistance then you want Sorcerer's Shoes.
NEVER go Mobis, NEVER go Berserker's Greaves

As a second item you want Rabadon's Deathcap, it is really expensive for a early item so you will be sitting on a awkward build but it will be worth it. If during this time you manage to get 10 Dark Seal stacks, upgrade it to Mejaii's, play safe and try to stack it at much as you can.

If you manage to lose all your Mejaii's Stacks DO NOT SELL IT, it's a good item whenever it's stacked or not. The only time you can sell this item is whenever you are full build and you lose ALL your stacks; then you want another high AP damage item like maybe Cosmic Drive or Morellonomicon.

I really like Zhonya's Hourglass as a second item though but just against like 2 assassins that can destroy me in a side lane. It can be good for a third item if you have at least 14 or 16 Mejaii's Stacks. I usualy don't build this anyway, since you want to upgrade the Tear into Seraph's Embrace.

Then you want some Armor Penetration even if the enemy doesn't have much Magic Resistance due to the high amount of damage that Void Staff gives you. You can also go Shadowflame but most of the games it not as usefull as Void Staff is.

For last item you have a few options to choose:
- Horizon Focus: it's perfect for damage as a last item if you are super feed. I don't like to buy this when I'm not really far ahead because the damage difference is not that important.
- Frozen Heart: if enemy has a lot of attack speed AND NO ONE ON YOUR TEAM HAS IT, it can't be stacked between allies so if someone already has it and you buy another one, you are losing a lof of gold.
- Dead's Man Plate: if enemy has a lot of movement speed AND AD champions then this item will help you a lot.
- Banshee's Veil: only good if enemy has a LeBlanc, Katarina, Fizz, Ekko or Kennen.
- Force of Nature: Same as Dead's Man Plate but for AP enemies.
Option A:
FIRST STRIKE IS THE BEST RUNE NO MATTER WHAT SITUATION. Dark Harvest, Aery, Phase Rush and Arcane Comet is a bait, don't take them in any circumstances. Electrocute is good if you are against a Marksman in lane. Predator is a good rune only if you have an early game jungler that will be in danger all the time, with this rune you can -try- to run at him to bring SALVATION TO HIS LIFE.

Option B:
The only thing that changes in this Rune Page is that we have Cut Down. Presence of Mind can be replaced by Legend: Tenacity if the enemy team has a lot of CC and tanks. Don't go Unflinching, it's a bait like Arcane Comet.

Option C:
If for any reason you have a healer support like Soraka AND you are against an assassin, then you can pick up this Rune Page. This is good only if the previous situation is on your game, if you only have the healer support then don't mind this, if you only have the assassin in enemy team then also don't mind this.
At level one we take Q, unmissable skill shot to farm the first mele minions and poke the enemy. Usually, I like to take E at level two, but you can take W as well. First, we max Q because is the easiest ability to hit the enemy and to farm. Then we max E so the cooldown is lower and has more CC time, that will let us set up more kills or escapes from enemies.
Summoner Spells
Obviously you want to take Flash, is the safest spell that will garantee you to either escape a death situation or confirm a kill.

Allways go Teleport. Is good because you want to farm as much as posible, the oportinity that this spell gives you is amazing.

Exhaust is good against a team fighter assassin like Katarina or Kennen but bad against 1v1 assassins like Talon or Rengar. If no one on your team has exhaust, then go for it, but usually TP is better.

Barrier is good against laning face treads like LeBlanc, Darius, Akali... anything that can actually kill you 1v1 before 2 items.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LxVer
LxVer Veigar Guide
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