Dodge. Busted Champion, one shots wave with 1 q. His base damage in early is very high and the shield makes it hard to punish. He is also hard to gank for the jungler even though you hit him with your e, but he just has his grapple to get out.
Max Health true damage on w no comment. A lot of Mobility its hard to punish her roll with additional invisibility. Her e also stops your q charge.
Can counter your cc chain on one champion. Also pretty ********.
Free Farm, he cant kill you at any point of the game. He is only a minor threat, because he can still delete your carry.
Will wave clear faster than you, while harassing you and will wall your ult, nice game design.
Will poke you a lot for first strike, but thats it.
After the rework she does not have the huge burst, like before. She has improved mobility making her hard to catch, but its not your job to catch, she wants to snowball, make sure you use that to bait her into an easy ult for an good gank setup.
Her Chemtech Tank build got nerfed, so she is only a shadow of her former self. She will poke you a lot but, your w will protect you from it. Also your q cover 2/3 of her w, which is very nice. But dont let her cheese you in the early.
In the early she is easy to kill for you and your jungler, you fully counter her ult with your ult, as soon as you see the animation go off, either drive away from here to safety or into her to punish her for thinking she can stun you. She has a lot of health and movement speed in the late game, making it hard for you to catch her, which is why i am putting her in even instead of minor.
He is only even because of his ult, he can block you with it, like anivia, just less often. He will poke you but dont fall back bait his q and keep on farming. You even scale better than him.
Aurelion Sol
He has low mobility in lane and will try to roam the same way as you, but you will kill him if he tries to counter roam you. The only ability which is a problem is his ult, it will hinder you a bit to catch up to him, but not for long.
She wont stop spamming q and will try to stun you. She is going to hinder you a lot from csing, watch out for her 6, she might flash ignite tibbers you without hesitation, when you are under 50% hp
This fish, will try everything to kill you but will fail everytime. If he e`s, punish him, he is very squishy in the early game.
Hard to catch, but thats it, she has no reliable way to kill you. You can only die to her in early game, but you have exhaust and w, so make sure not to give her any kills for free.
He might be the support, but will still delete a lot of your hp, because of his max health magic damage passive. He is easy to catch though, his lack of mobility is easy to play around.
Only even, because of her early autoattack passive damage and her late game burst potential on the whole team.
Has only one damage combo, which is easy to predict, she also has very poor mobility, you can get a few kills and also outroam her very hard.
Dodge her blades and she is useless in lane. As soon she ults you can ult to cancel her and punish her with your q,w combo. Even in teamfights you can hard cc her, she can only jump when she has blades lying around, control her blades and you will hinder her a lot.
Late game more of a threat, than early game. He will poke you a lot, because of first strike, but keep farming. Your items cost much less than his, keep that in mind.
Same as fizz, he will play only aggressive in the few first level and everytime he has ult up, as soon as his ult is down, you can try to catch him or relay and farm, while he just watches.
Wont stop running around you, if she is a good player, you wont hit one single ability, trap her if possible with help of brushes and your jungler.
If he plays tank, neither him or you will get a kill on lane. If he goes ap, try to outfarm him, because of his reliance on q for farming. He might even die, with the help of your jungler.
If he ults you in a team fight, he renders your build useless. His target will be your adc though or your top laner, depending who is more fed. Try to convince them to buy quicksilver.
No mobility and his passive is easy to destroy with your e. His ult can get annoying, because of max health damage or when he starts ulting your carry, try to punish him for that.
Her autos will make you fall in despair in the early, but after that, she has poor mobility and has to dodge your e, before getting send back to base. Pressure her in the late so she solo ults you, because she can also carry team fights with her ult.
Her q and e are pretty annoying, and the fact she can cast q while moving, will also lead to many misses. The new item shadow flame, which she will build. Is going to be hella annoying. But thats it, she has still no huge mobility and can be punished.
She deals less damage than akshan and vayne, but is much more mobile. If you catch her once, try to hard cc her for as long as possible, anathemas will help a lot and your improved boots will help to close the gap a bit.
Early game q and auto attacks will make you cry and if she builds blade you will insult the game for being unbalanced. But in the late game, you can peel your adc with a lot of hard cc and your 4 k hp plus 1 k shield will be a big upside in an fight against her. You dont have to worry dying against her.
He cant kill you, maybe in the latest stages of the game, but in the early he probably wont. Try to abuse him, when he has his w on cd.
Is not a common pick mid anymore i think, but she shouldnt be a big problem, she will try to fulfill the same role as you, just without roaming and with healing instead of peeling with hp.
Your ult is now his ult. But you have twice the ult than him, so you can still outroam him. Watchout in the early though, his autos are annoying and you cant use minnions as a wall.
Level 2 is quite strong. Survive that and you might have a relaxed mid lane. He will outroam you sadly, just because of his e alone, try to have impact top lane, because he will already be bot lane, when you start ulting it.
You dont lane against her, but her ganks will be hard to survive, especially if she comes from behind and blocking your ult path to safety. Try to react properly and drift in to the river instead. If you get catched she will kill you with her max health w and e Combination. Thank god she isnt popular right now.
Just dont get hit and you have nothing to worry, when you are getting ganked.
Nunu & Willump
Rolls up in your lane like he owns it. Try to escape with your ult as soon as he ults or as soon as he starts eing you. If you dont escape it will be grim for you, it wont make a diffrence if you end his ult early, the enemy laner will be able to kill you, while you are being crippled by nunu.
Except of his low mobility, he is very hard to play around in the early, because of his e and his q which either knock up or slow you. And his true damage ult is hard to survive in the early game. In late game ult him as soon as a second enemy stands next to him.
In early try not to get hit from her e and you should survive in the mid game she cant kill you and you should outroam her. In the late game try to block her abilities with your body or you will be standing in a teamfight without teammates.
Twisted Fate
He can only stun and thats it, you shouldnt die at any point of the game to him. If he roams with you, he will just die with his teammates.
You will face the similar problems with shaco as you did with evelynn. He will appear out of thin air only that you cant counter him with control wards. If possible e his box so you dont get feared, if needed ult away. in late he will try to pick your carry, try to interupt him. Maybe get sweeper in late aswell.
Will poke you a lot and outrange you, Killing him in lane is only possible if he is stupid. he will build pressure on other lanes with his ult you can either stop him form doing that or roam.
Will wave clear very fast, and in late game he will deal a lot of damage, but except his passive his mobility is quite low try to punish him later, when phase rush and his passive are down.
Max Health true damage as a passive and incready max health true damage on ult. W can bite you in the *** completley. If you are stunned you might die faster than you expect.
Her teamfight is strong in late game, and she might juke you with her w but thats it, she shouldnt be able to kill you.
800 True damage from q, can cancel your charge with her e, can dodge your q with her ult and jump to your carry and push you away from him aswell, with her ult.
If he snowballs you will take a long time to get fimbulwinter. But if he only kills you twice, which can happen if your exhaust is on cooldown in bad moments, you should still be good.
He will dash around and will concentrate on damaging you more than on farming. The same goes for his brother. You should be able to outfarm him, because of his ignorance.
He will dash around and will concentrate on damaging you more than on farming. The same goes for his brother. You should be able to outfarm him, because of his ignorance.
Free farm her plants, over 1k free hp should be easy against her, one auto attack kills them and she will think that she is poking you on lane. The face her team will have, when you roll in them with 5,5 k hp will be magnificent.
No mobility, and low damage against you. You shouldnt have problems, his ult can only be a pain for your team, but not for you.
His E pulls enemies into your q, feels awesome. Also a good back up carry, if your adc sucks.
Renata Glasc
Same as morde just with q and ult.
Miss Fortune
Her ult will kill the whole enemy team because of you.
His passive and ult is nearly on the same level as mf its just harder to make it happen.
A tank support and a heal support making the team undying
you can peel him and maybe get a bounce q with your e in.
Nunu & Willump
He is you but just with damage.
Is a hard carry, you and him can easily 2vs8 the whole game. Knights Vow will keep you both very tanky.
You can help her with using her passive. And also peel for her if she has cd on w. She can also carry a game with ease with your help.
CC BABYYYYYYYY. JK you both will cc the enemies for days and they will get afk warning in a team fight against you two.
A rare pick, but with your ult and his ult, the enemy team will be in a bouncy castle.
His E pulls enemies into your q, feels awesome. Also a good back up carry, if your adc sucks.
Renata Glasc
Same as morde just with q and ult.
Miss Fortune
Her ult will kill the whole enemy team because of you.
His passive and ult is nearly on the same level as mf its just harder to make it happen.
A tank support and a heal support making the team undying
you can peel him and maybe get a bounce q with your e in.
Nunu & Willump
He is you but just with damage.
Is a hard carry, you and him can easily 2vs8 the whole game. Knights Vow will keep you both very tanky.
You can help her with using her passive. And also peel for her if she has cd on w. She can also carry a game with ease with your help.
CC BABYYYYYYYY. JK you both will cc the enemies for days and they will get afk warning in a team fight against you two.
A rare pick, but with your ult and his ult, the enemy team will be in a bouncy castle.
- Very Cost efficient, its very cheap for very strong passives or actives
- You are still very tanky because of Soul Furnace (W)
- You gain an shield when you cc, when W is on cd you can survive the cd with Fimbulwinter
- Font of Life will give your teammates a bit of healing, which also scales with Revitalize.
- Revitalize empowers you W, Font of Life, Knights Vow healing and Fimbulwinter.
- Glacial Augement is a very good tool to secure and additional q or combos with your Teammates. It also reduces the damage taken, when the enemies are standing in it. Glacial Augement also stays for a long time because of your ult and q.
- Magical Footwear spares you and additional 300 G
- Cookies will help you survive tough match ups and also grant max mana, which scales with Fimbulwinter
- Cosmic Insight ( can be replaced with Impaired Movement) helps you to switch your actives (Knights Vow and Anathemas Chains) more often and will enable you to use Exhaust every 177 seconds instead of 210 seconds.
- Anathemas Chains will make you tankier against the enemy carry and will reduce their Tenacity, which will secure an ult and q combo nearly every single time.
- Knights Vow will make your chosen carry a lot tankier
- Is very team friendly
- Your cc can hard carry a team fight with ease
- Can even help monkeys to carry a game wow.
- Is fun to play
- Tower diving with 1,2 k Shield is easy
- Junglers will love ganking you for free kills, because your e will enable a easy engage on the enemy laner
- Roaming is easy because of 900 movement sion ult, which deletes enemies health bars
- Warding is basicially useless against a roaming sion
- Is very Team oriented, which in itself isnt bad, but if your team is bad, you can kiss your *** good bye. But most builds will suffer this Con anyways
- Is a bit defensive
- Relies on clearing a wave as fast as possible (for roams), which is easy because of your spell combo, but you are very "vulnerable" while doing so.
- If your bot lane goes 0/20 you will be blamed, even though you gave top lane a huge lead and got herald for your team.
- If your top lane goes 0/20 you will be blamed, even though you gave bot lane a huge lead and got drake for your team
- It doesnt matter what happens you are the one to blame, but well support mains and jungle mains already know this feeling.
Early Laning Phase
Survive, gain stacks and gold, wave clear as fast as possible with your huge damage spell combination, your mana pool isnt gonna drain as fast as it usually does, because of tear and cookies. Try to zone the enemy with your q so he does not get the money he needs for his core item, which costs at least 200g more than yours. The enemy laner will try to harass you as much as possible, which will lead to your farm advantage, because they think it is possible to kill sion in lane without punishment, show them that they are wrong. If your jungler decides to early gank you, try to hit your e for an easy engage on the enemy laner, for that you can cancel its animation with the second activation of w. The W also cancels the animation of Q, but its still visible and the last part has still an animation.
after Lvl 6 Laning Phase
The laning phase is now optional (literally). Try to roam bot or top as soon as your ult is ready, push out your wave with your spell combo and then got to the river bush and ult down the chosen lane, especially bot for that juicy early drake pressure. Your early base damage will delete enemy bot laners as if they are pinatas. If you gank top lane it can lead to a huge lead for him, he will love you, because the island state, which is top lane, can still snowball without the enemies noticing it.
Mid game
You now have Evenshroud and maybe Fimbulwinter. You will get a shield everytime you get ccd and cc. You will do an extra 9 % damage because of Evenshroud, when you cc or get ccd. You will reduce enemy damage by 15% and slow them if you hit an q, because of Glacial Augement. The damage diffrence will be 24% just for doing 1 Spell. Exhaust will disable the enemy carry, while you are either face hugging them or peeling your whole team (especially the carry). In the mid game you can decide, who you are going to bully, because there is no chance they will kill you in this life time.
Late game
You have now Knights vow and maybe anathemas Chains. This will secure you the win in most games. Knights vow will make you and your carry very tanky, Revitalize also bumps up its healing. Try to be the Engage tool for your team, you have 4,5 k hp you wont die unless the enemy carry is a vayne. Landing your ult even as a slow against 2 people will decide the team fight into an easy victory. Use brushes for traps (especially if there is a control ward inside). Anathemas Chains will reduce 30% incoming damage from the enemy carry and their tenacity by 20%, this secures easy spell rotations on them.
Its a lot of fun, if you are a sion main, you might enjoy this diffrent playstyle. Lethality is sometimes very hard to play, because of the gold costs or being out damaged by the enemy team. You also tend to die before getting any of your spells in. This build is super tanky and you will still have reliable base damage to back your cc up. Your team will have a lot of damage anyways most of the time.
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