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Cho'Gath Build Guide by granmuh

ADC Granmuhh's Guide to AP Cho'Gath BOT

ADC Granmuhh's Guide to AP Cho'Gath BOT

Updated on August 29, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author granmuh Build Guide By granmuh 4,081 Views 0 Comments
4,081 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author granmuh Cho'Gath Build Guide By granmuh Updated on August 29, 2024
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Arcane Comet
Nimbus Cloak

Cheap Shot
Ultimate Hunter

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
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Champion Build Guide

Granmuhh's Guide to AP Cho'Gath BOT

By granmuh
About me
I'm Granmuhh, and for over 4 years this game has been my life. I've created over 50 accounts dedicated to learn different champs in different roles. My highest peak is Gold 1 before moving on to a new account. I have over 7,000 hours in the game and my Cho-Gath has been recognized and complimented by the world's #1 Cho'Gath "Sakuritou". Believe me when I say, I LOVE this video game.

I'm not special, I'm not gifted, and therefore I wouldn't blame you if you clicked off screen any second. HOWEVER; if you follow my guides, I can almost guarantee you will have fun.
WHY are we going AP Cho'Gath, Granny?
Simple answer: It's fun to eat people.

There aren't very many things in the game more satisfying than a W -> Flash -> AA -> E -> Jetpack -> R (our FEAST combo)

They cant move or fight back because of our silence, and our damage is so great and so quick that these dogs just disappear when I combo them.

When I hit level 6 and land my first FEAST combo, 9 times out of 10 the enemy bot ADC types "yo wtf was that..." or something similair.
Okay... so how does it work?
I'm so glad you asked, it works like this:

Game starts. Doran's Ring buy and we run bot.
Your jungle does not need a leash.
I repeat, YOUR JUNGLE DOES NOT NEED A LEASH. It's 2024 people. Riot has basically made it possible for a blind dog to kill jungle camps and stay healthy.

If my JNG types anything about not getting a leash, I respond with, "You look down when you type." then I mute them.

Levels 1-5, we simply weakside farm with Q.

What does weakside farm mean?

It means we are letting the wave push into us and farming what we can.
Do I care if I miss minions? Nope
Do I care if every wave crashes under our tower? Nope
Do I care if my support walks up to fight and dies? Nope

I am the only thing that matters and I'm staying alive until I hit 6. It's that simple.

When we are at about 95% full of XP on LVL 5 ---> WE ARE LOOKING FOR AN ALL IN FEAST COMBO

The second I hit level 6, I'm spam pinging for an engage on the enemy ADC. We need to hit a Q on him. When we finally do hit a Q that mf is dead.

W --> Flash
AA --> E reset

dead. ggwp. go next.

The Q knocks them up and does a good chunk of dmg.
W --> Flash makes it so they cant flash away. They will turn to fight or auto and not realize you are about to 100 -> 0 them.
AA --> E reset is good damage
R finishes them off.

When you hit this on them at lvl 6, the enemy ADC is left speechless until he mutters "yo what the f*ck was that..." GUARANTEED
Things you need to know about my baby
Cho'Gath, my sweet baby, here are some things you need to know about her.


Drill that into your head


With this AP Cho anyway...


Because we aren't tanking, we're damage and burst. Size is only going to make it harder for us to move and it makes it easier for the enemy to hit us with skillshots.

Trust me. I have studied the best AP Cho'Gaths in the world. They all agree, size is not good.

Want to get huge? Play the standard and boring tank build top that everyone else runs.

-Your R is precious. It should be used with purpose... and that purpose is to make the enemy squish carry cry.

-Your Q does more damage than you think. Land 1 or 2 in a team fight and the tables turn in your favor.

-Our W is broken. It silences for a LONG time and does great damage. Silence is my favorite form of CC because it makes them panic. What's worse than not being able to press any buttons including flash? NOTHING!

-Jetpack item is essential. Why? Gap closing. What's our biggest issue on Cho? Not being able to catch up to press R. This helps SOOOO much. Once you get comfy with it you will never want to go back, trust me.

-Your passive is broken. At lvl 4 a wave will heal you for around 140 HP which is incredible. Use this to your advantage.

-4 points in Q will one shot the caster minions.
W -> Flash -> AA -> E -> Jetpack -> R

This is the FEAST combo. This can be used in a different order if you need the Jetpack gap close. You can also choose not to AA --> E reset if you want max speed.

Another popular variation is:

W --> Flash --> Jetpack --> E --> R

this is very quick.

Spend 20 minutes in the practice tool to get it down. You will thank yourself later.
What I've learned after 7,000 hours
-Attack move click should be put on A key

-Limit test to get better

-Use your healthbar as a tool

-Every game has a win condition

-You need to learn how to move and attack and stop on a dime. Your champion should be an extension of yourself/mind. If you are uncomfy you need to practice. I have spent hundreds of hours in the practice tool alone, you should too. (see practice tool below)

The following is a dumb story that nobody cares about but I'm going to tell it anyway because it holds a valuable lesson:

About a year ago I created a new account to learn a new champ. I've done this 50+ times so I pretty much know the routine. For anyone that hasn't created a new account in a while, it is essentially a **** shoot in regards to what kind teammates you get (some smurfs, some new players, etc.)

However, it just so happened that I got to experience laning and playing against C9 TOWNS who is Cloud9's academy midlaner. This man pushed my sh*t in so hard I almost quit the game. I'm not exaggerating when I say it was as if he knew what I was going to do before I did it. Every. Single. Action. Was PERFECTLY timed. His movement was like nothing I've ever experienced on the rift. If I saw Akali on my screen and was not already running away, I was dead, and I knew it.

Why are you telling us this?

Humble yourself. Do not take yourself too seriously. If you are reading this you are most likely bad and that is OKAY! I'm VERY BAD! EMBRACE BEING BAD! That acceptance has taught me to have fun while playing. I know no matter how hard I work, I will never be near the level that C9 Towns is at and that acceptance has brought me PEACE!

Can you get better?
ABSOLUTELY! Everyone has the ability to show growth. Just relax more and enjoy this game!

7,000 hours... but Granny... You said in your last guide that you only had 4k?

Yeah, that was a rough estimate. I used one of those websites to check my hours played on my main and it had over 5k hours. Keep in mind that's just 1 account and I have over 50. To be honest, I probably have around 8k hours but ya know... That's a little sad.
Toy - A
Broken Covenant - A
Shan Hai - A
Dark Star - S (Void demon)
Pre-historic - F
Battlecast - F
Jurassic - S (Night at the Museum Cho'Gath, and my personal favorite)
Loch Ness - F
Gentleman - F
Nightmare - B

Broken Covenant is the best splash art so I chose it for this guide.
Well that's it for now. Thanks for reading my guide, I hope you all have fun and remember not to take this game too seriously. More to come and I'm getting ready to make my Twitch and Youtuve channel. I know no one will watch but I don't want to feel alone.

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