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Wallawallabang's Graves GuideHello Summoners, this is going to be a in depth guide on ADC Graves. Before you read I would just like to point out that this is my opinion on how Graves should be played and built. I am not saying that this is how everyone plays and builds him. It is MY opinion. Some things you should know about Graves are that he is an ADC with only one ability that scales off of AP. He is a high burst ADC that works well with aggressive supports in your lane. He is a good counter for the following ADC's... Ashe Ezreal Varus Vayne Quinn Twitch Tristana Draven. But he is countered by the following ADC's... Sivir Caitlyn Urgot Miss Fortune Corki. |
Buckshot is GravesQ ability and one of his most bursty ability's he has. Buckshot can clear most minion waves late game in one shot.
Smoke Screen is an AOE blind that does magic damage and makes it so enemy champions inside cannot see through it.
Quickdraw is an attack speed boost and a gap closer as well as an escape tool that can make it through walls.
Collateral Damage is a great AOE burst ultimate that does damage in a line.
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