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+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Attack Damage
Attack Speed
Threats & Synergies
Champion Build Guide
Aphelios is a champion who requires a lot of patience and practice, at first it will seem that he is a not very useful champion and that he is easy prey for any assassin preventing him from reaching the late game which is supposed to be when the adc is strongest. But don't worry, if you know how to master it and know its mechanics well, it will be a real monster, being a champion that you hardly see people will not know well how to counter it and if a main Aphelios who knows its mechanics and knows how to master it were to federate. An authentic killing machine returns, not for nothing Raiot does not touch him because the minimum buff makes him a monster.
Aphelios is a fairly classic ADC, except that it uses a total of 5 different weapons. Its use is very similar to the rest of the champions of the same role, but it does have that extra difficulty when it comes to managing weapons. That is why understanding their abilities is key. Gravitum
The weapon to slow down.
Gravitum slows with each attack and marks the target.
Gravitum's ability
Gravitum's Q can only activate when marked opponents (by a base attack or the R) are in range. Deal magic damage and root opponents.
Gravitum's R fixes all affected opponents, greatly slowing them for a few seconds. Casting Gravitum Q 1-2 seconds after touching opponents optimizes crowd control.
The weapon to push the line.
Infernum allows your basic attacks to deal cone damage behind your target, allowing you to push minions faster and deal area damage in team combat, note that area damage can also deal critical hits.
Infernum's ability
Infernum's Q sends a wave of flames in front of Aphelios. Affected targets are automatically attacked by a basic attack from the secondary weapon.
Infernum's R deals damage, and when the automatically launched basic attack is cast on targets hit by the R, it is more powerful, dealing damage in the area around each opponent hit by the R.
A boomerang with the highest 1v1 damage.
Crescendum is a boomerang, which means that Aphelios has to retrieve it before it can be rebooted again. Therefore, the closer the target is, the faster the Attack Speed and DPS.
Touching units that use the Crescendum as a secondary weapon summons a Shakram, the Shakrams deal additional damage to the Crescendum's base attacks, maximum 20 Sakrams.
Crescendum abilities
A Crescendum creates a turret that attacks the closest target, the latter being affected by the chances of a critical hit and attack speed.
Crescendum R summons 3 Shakram + 1 Shakram per enemy hit. This will significantly increase your DPS.
Aphelios' strong point is his adaptability. But it is also its weak point because creating the ideal conditions (which depend on each player and time of the game) can be difficult.
Level 1: You don't have any spells at level 1 except the weapon change! So play safe while you wait for level 2.
Level 2: Now that you have your first spell, adapt to the situation, your opponents, your weapons and your support, but think about it. Use the Gravitum to control your opponents if necessary, either offensively or defensively.
Level 6: As for the ultimate, there is no specific rule, since it depends on your weapons, wait for the signal to be given and throw it!
Remember, each primary weapon and each secondary weapon varies the gameplay, so you have to be aware of the depth of the gameplay and the subtleties of each in order to truly understand the potential of each combination. For example, if you want a maximum DPS you need to have the Crescendum as a secondary weapon and, as a primary weapon, have a weapon that uses that secondary weapon a lot. Each time you use the Crescendum you will gain stacks of Shakram, up to a maximum of 20, each Shakram significantly amplifying the damage dealt by the Crescendum's auto attacks.
And it is just one combo among many others, playing the champion you can learn them all and do incredible things, as long as you take the time to read the spells and think about the synergies that the weapons have with each other. You want to see the professionals use it.Q cooldown time is weapon dependent, so you can cast Q twice in a row with a different weapon, thus optimizing explosive damage and the champion's chances.
Using the Q consumes 10 of the 50 bullets. Keep in mind that finishing ammo refreshes the weapon drum faster.
In the line phase it can be interesting to opt for the Gravitum as a secondary weapon to be able to control opponents from afar.
The Runaan is Aphelios' best ally, don't be afraid to play it safe while you wait for him.
Each weapon has a different gameplay, so feel free to save your favorite weapon in the secondary slot while you wait for a team fight.
Regardless of the weapon, when the R hits, an automatic attack is systematically sent to the opponent.
The types of R are extremely wide, use it to your advantage to blow up an entire team without even being seen.
You cannot reset the cooldown of Shakrams without attacking a champion, monster, or minion, and with Crescendum, the additional damage from Shakrams works on towers but does not refresh the buff.
Aphelios is a fairly classic ADC, except that it uses a total of 5 different weapons. Its use is very similar to the rest of the champions of the same role, but it does have that extra difficulty when it comes to managing weapons. That is why understanding their abilities is key. Gravitum
The weapon to slow down.
Gravitum slows with each attack and marks the target.
Gravitum's ability
Gravitum's Q can only activate when marked opponents (by a base attack or the R) are in range. Deal magic damage and root opponents.
Gravitum's R fixes all affected opponents, greatly slowing them for a few seconds. Casting Gravitum Q 1-2 seconds after touching opponents optimizes crowd control.
The weapon to push the line.
Infernum allows your basic attacks to deal cone damage behind your target, allowing you to push minions faster and deal area damage in team combat, note that area damage can also deal critical hits.
Infernum's ability
Infernum's Q sends a wave of flames in front of Aphelios. Affected targets are automatically attacked by a basic attack from the secondary weapon.
Infernum's R deals damage, and when the automatically launched basic attack is cast on targets hit by the R, it is more powerful, dealing damage in the area around each opponent hit by the R.
A boomerang with the highest 1v1 damage.
Crescendum is a boomerang, which means that Aphelios has to retrieve it before it can be rebooted again. Therefore, the closer the target is, the faster the Attack Speed and DPS.
Touching units that use the Crescendum as a secondary weapon summons a Shakram, the Shakrams deal additional damage to the Crescendum's base attacks, maximum 20 Sakrams.
Crescendum abilities
A Crescendum creates a turret that attacks the closest target, the latter being affected by the chances of a critical hit and attack speed.
Crescendum R summons 3 Shakram + 1 Shakram per enemy hit. This will significantly increase your DPS.
Aphelios' strong point is his adaptability. But it is also its weak point because creating the ideal conditions (which depend on each player and time of the game) can be difficult.
Level 1: You don't have any spells at level 1 except the weapon change! So play safe while you wait for level 2.
Level 2: Now that you have your first spell, adapt to the situation, your opponents, your weapons and your support, but think about it. Use the Gravitum to control your opponents if necessary, either offensively or defensively.
Level 6: As for the ultimate, there is no specific rule, since it depends on your weapons, wait for the signal to be given and throw it!
Remember, each primary weapon and each secondary weapon varies the gameplay, so you have to be aware of the depth of the gameplay and the subtleties of each in order to truly understand the potential of each combination. For example, if you want a maximum DPS you need to have the Crescendum as a secondary weapon and, as a primary weapon, have a weapon that uses that secondary weapon a lot. Each time you use the Crescendum you will gain stacks of Shakram, up to a maximum of 20, each Shakram significantly amplifying the damage dealt by the Crescendum's auto attacks.
And it is just one combo among many others, playing the champion you can learn them all and do incredible things, as long as you take the time to read the spells and think about the synergies that the weapons have with each other. You want to see the professionals use it.Q cooldown time is weapon dependent, so you can cast Q twice in a row with a different weapon, thus optimizing explosive damage and the champion's chances.
Using the Q consumes 10 of the 50 bullets. Keep in mind that finishing ammo refreshes the weapon drum faster.
In the line phase it can be interesting to opt for the Gravitum as a secondary weapon to be able to control opponents from afar.
The Runaan is Aphelios' best ally, don't be afraid to play it safe while you wait for him.
Each weapon has a different gameplay, so feel free to save your favorite weapon in the secondary slot while you wait for a team fight.
Regardless of the weapon, when the R hits, an automatic attack is systematically sent to the opponent.
The types of R are extremely wide, use it to your advantage to blow up an entire team without even being seen.
You cannot reset the cooldown of Shakrams without attacking a champion, monster, or minion, and with Crescendum, the additional damage from Shakrams works on towers but does not refresh the buff.
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