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+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Threats & Synergies
Anybody that can get away from you even when you have prowlers, your E, and your ult is going to be super annoying. You kind of have to hope that they all in so you can take advantage. Ranged champs now have a lot less on you because if you get into prowlers range you can basically one shot them. You are much squishier with this build as you don't build any HP like a normal sett build would, so you have to play like an assassin. Fortunately you still have your W for some survivability if you ever need it.
Anybody that can protect you while you dish out a bunch of damage, speed you up to chase people down, or people who can lock someone down all work well with you. Once again, you kind of have to play like an assassin, so any protection is great for you.
Anybody that can protect you while you dish out a bunch of damage, speed you up to chase people down, or people who can lock someone down all work well with you. Once again, you kind of have to play like an assassin, so any protection is great for you.
Champion Build Guide
Basically this build is

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