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Recommended Items
Runes: Primary
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order General
Iron Ambassador (PASSIVE)
Poppy Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Tahm Kench
Even with Tankshred, all the AP damage he does can just out last your build unless you were able to build MR by the time you face him. Really though, just face tank him while your ADC does damage. PEEL PEEL PEEL or you will just lose to him in the long run.
All day. A decent Aphelios will capitalize on all of your stuns, even if you fail to hit them into a wall for a stun, it can be a LOT of damage.
All day. A decent Aphelios will capitalize on all of your stuns, even if you fail to hit them into a wall for a stun, it can be a LOT of damage.
Champion Build Guide
If you went Q first: Harass the enemy one Q at a time, lining it up to hit minions at the same time. Try not to last hit minions unless it is to trigger your support item's execute.
ALL IN ON TWO. Yep. That's right. All in on level two. Aim for the ADC as they NEED to get CS and being out of lane is the worst thing they can do. At worst, you will force them to recall, at best you will get a kill/assist. If you got a stun off of this all in, then it is likely the latter.
Play it safe, looking for more stuns for all ins. It's not as important as farming. Stay alive.
ALL IN ON SIX. Try to stun them, and just TAP your R to knock them up AFTER the 1.5 seconds of stun time to get the CC chained properly. Don't just stun them and automatically ult. It's a waste of your abilities. Spread them out by 1 second. Meaning: Stun them, Auto Attack them, Ult them, Q them, Auto Attack, W to keep them from escaping without using a flash. But they should be dead if you do it right.
That was E > AA > R > Q > AA > W > DEAD. You can mix the Q in at different points in place of the AA's. It's a matter of what works best for your own flow.
With your ADC: They are fed and you need to keep feeding them.
Split Push: Enemy is fed and you need to distract them by forcing them into sidelanes. When they come for you, escape into the jungle. Just waste their time. The game will take longer, but it will allow your team, hopefully, to catch back up.
That's really it. Play it safe, keep your W to either stop their dashes or to get that sweet, sweet movement speed buff to escape.
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