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Choose Champion Build:
Ability Order
Junkyard Titan (PASSIVE)
Rumble Passive Ability
In this guide it includes Runes/Masteries/Items/PROS/CONS/Skills "unlocking-order" ;D
So like i said im new at this so dont be hard, but please comment, vote and give me feedback! :)
+ He has a really sweet resource, heat.
+ Hard to gank.
+ Good survive ability in both solo lane and duo.
+ Good to gank with.
+ Awesome AoE damage in teamfights.
+ Does extremely much for the team in fights.
+ Can be very tanky but still do alot of dmg.
+ One of the best ulties on the game.
+ He looks awesome, hes cool and got sweet animations!!
- Hard to master.
- Can't carry a whole game.
- Not very good in late-game.
+ Hard to gank.
+ Good survive ability in both solo lane and duo.
+ Good to gank with.
+ Awesome AoE damage in teamfights.
+ Does extremely much for the team in fights.
+ Can be very tanky but still do alot of dmg.
+ One of the best ulties on the game.
+ He looks awesome, hes cool and got sweet animations!!
- Hard to master.
- Can't carry a whole game.
- Not very good in late-game.
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