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Warpath (PASSIVE)
Hecarim Passive Ability
Since his first sighting on the northwestern shores of Valoran, the towering, armored specter known the Hecarim struck a chilling fear into the hearts of all who laid eyes upon hin. No one HAD ever seen anything like his titanic, ethereal form before, and the mystery of his sudden arrival Deeply was unnerving. When Hecarim Began to march eastwards, Leaving a trail of desolate, lifeless ground behind hin, the villagers of the plains fled Their homes for the safety of nearby Demacia. In the city's now-overcrowded taverns, rumors spread about this inhuman phantom in hushed whispers. Some claimed he was the vengeful That shade of an ancient warrior, intent on Destroying all living Beings, one man insisted That They HAD seen hin leading an Entire legion of spectral cavalrymen; others still hin Believed to be the creation of some hateful necromancer. One Demacian commander, seeking to dispel the terror That HAD gripped the city, assembled a few of his finest soldiers and Rode Out to turn back or destroy Hecarim.
The commander led his soldiers to stand in Hecarim's path and braced for his assault. As the apparition bore down on Them, an overwhelming sensation of dread gripped the warriors. The men, frozen in fear, Could only the ghostly scream the titan Them ran down, tearing apart and Them Them trampling hooves beneath his iron. Hecarim turned to the crippled, cowering commander and uttered a chilling statement:'' This Is Merely The Beginning. No mortal army Can withstand the might of the Shadow Isles.'' With That, Hecarim departed, RESUMING his grim march. Driven to insanity by his nightmarish experience, stumbled back to the commander Demacia, where his dire warnings the Were dismissed the ravings of a madman. While Hecarim's origin and intent Were still a mystery, his destination Became clear When He Reached the Institute of War and, in a voice Both ominous and commanding, demanded entry into the League of Legends.
'' You do not understand ... the shadows will consume us all ...'' - Former Commander Demacian

Comment: Your Passive converts the movement speed of all your items in attack.Your passive is good but not to depend on it.

Hecarim cleaves nearby enemies for 50/85/120/155/190 (+ ) physical damage. (50% damage to minions and monsters).
If Hecarim damages at least one enemy with this attack he gains a stack of Rampage, reducing the base cooldown of this skill by 1 second for a short duration. This effect can stack up to 2 times.
Comment (AD/AP): AD Hecarim For this skill had been good with the Black Cleaver, use this skill after three hits on the enemy champion. AP Hecarim For this skill is only good for killing monsters and minions.
Cost 25 Mana

Hecarim deals 80/125/170/215/260 (+0.8) magic damage over 4 seconds to all nearby enemies. Hecarim is healed for 10/15/20/25/30% of the damage these enemies take from any source.
Hecarim cannot heal more than 60/90/120/150/180 health from minions.
Comment (AD/AP): For more Hecarim AD is used to kill monsters and minions. For AP Hecarim this skill is very good when you are attacking an enemy champion activate it because it will take too much damage.
Cost 50/60/70/80/90 Mana

Hecarim gains increasing movement speed for 4 seconds. His next attack knocks the target back dealing 40/75/110/145/180 (+ ) to 80/150/220/290/360 (+ ) physical damage based on how far Hecarim has traveled during Devastating Charge.
Comment (AD / AP): This skill is very strong for AD, because it's a double hit, and still one of the stun. This skill increases move faster still for 4 sec, which in turn will increase your damage. For AP it will be very useful to get close to an enemy champion.
Cost 60 Mana

Hecarim summons spectral riders and charges forward, dealing 100/200/300 (+0.8) magic damage to anyone they strike.
Hecarim releases a shockwave when he finishes his charge dealing an additional 50/125/200 (+0.4) magic damage and causing neaby enemies to flee from Hecarim for 1 seconds.
Hecarim himself will only move to the targeted location. The riders will always move the full distance.
Comment (AD / AP): The Ult Hecarim for AD is not very good, it serves more to get close to an enemy and team champion fight because of the fear of it. To Hecarim AP server to get it too close to an enemy champion and team fight but it will take much more damage.
Cost 100 Mana

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