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Hecarim Build Guide by DjapeFromSerbia

Jungle Hecarim , Jungle Guide for Season 14 [ Patch 14.19 ]

Jungle Hecarim , Jungle Guide for Season 14 [ Patch 14.19 ]

Updated on September 28, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DjapeFromSerbia Build Guide By DjapeFromSerbia 1008 93 2,815,132 Views 36 Comments
1008 93 2,815,132 Views 36 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DjapeFromSerbia Hecarim Build Guide By DjapeFromSerbia Updated on September 28, 2024
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ChrisH811 | July 31, 2024 3:12am
IGN is ChrisH811, I'm in the Hecarim Mains discord and a diamond two player recommend I try glacial augment. I ran it and was quite pleased with the results. Also I've been doing the same conqueror resolve strat building the same bruiser items besides Trinity Force, I used to always build sundered sky first, but it's just not great anymore.. I stopped doing that and that ended up itself feels nice, but this glacial augment strat is actually kind of nuts.. not sure if it's 100% better than conq but it's been real great
Veljko432 (1) | May 16, 2023 3:21pm
wow nice guide helped me go from iron4 to iron 3 in 2 years thank you so much!!
DevilishGrin1999 | July 30, 2023 3:11pm
that much? Don't lie, i am going to buy hecarim definitely
lobo coveiro | February 4, 2023 3:35pm
helped a lot!!
WitchyVivje | April 3, 2022 4:10pm
Thanks this helped a lot.
Qwnu | November 9, 2020 7:02am
Great guide, my winrate went high like a rocket
DjapeFromSerbia (25) | November 9, 2020 11:26pm
Thank you!
bruhmoment911 (1) | April 27, 2020 2:45pm
can you update for 10.8
bruhmoment911 (1) | April 27, 2020 2:45pm
can you update for 10.8

btw nice guide
DjapeFromSerbia (25) | May 12, 2020 1:32pm

btw nice guide

Thank you, I update it to current patch.
Invincabruspoodz | February 29, 2020 8:58pm
strava guide brate
DjapeFromSerbia (25) | March 1, 2020 2:57am
Hvala baki, ako treba sta, slobodno me mozes dodati na Mowgli IV ili pitati ovde.
BerserkerBrian (1) | February 24, 2020 5:02am
Whats your opinion of taking Domination as secondary rune? I take Cheap Shot and Relentless Hunter as it gives me some extra burst and makes Hecarim's E more powerful since you lose Predator when going the Conqueror route.
DjapeFromSerbia (25) | February 24, 2020 5:44am
I think that Cheap Shot is really bad on junglers overall, so if I would be forced to go Domination as secondary I would take Relentless Hunter, and depending on your gameplay, something from second tier (I would take Zombie Ward).
BerserkerBrian (1) | March 29, 2020 4:14am
Cheers for the quick reply.
NDarKnight (24) | November 28, 2018 1:15pm
Greetings DjapeFromSerbia, really nice guide for hecarim, its a little bit too classic but i dont blame you everyone use predator on hecarim its so strong, anyway this guide was helpfull and the only thing that bothers me in this guides is that you didnt added synergies, all other stuff are great, great job.
DjapeFromSerbia (25) | November 29, 2018 4:55am
NDarKnight wrote:
Greetings DjapeFromSerbia, really nice guide for hecarim, its a little bit too classic but i dont blame you everyone use predator on hecarim its so strong, anyway this guide was helpfull and the only thing that bothers me in this guides is that you didnt added synergies, all other stuff are great, great job.

First of all, thank you. I wanted to make build as simple as possible, so that's why is it so classic, also Hecarim doesn't have a lot of synergies, but few movespeed boosters like, Lulu, Zilean, Karma etc...
blademasterblast | November 22, 2018 3:46pm
this build is great.
DjapeFromSerbia (25) | November 22, 2018 9:27pm
this build is great.

Hopefully this build helped you! :)
KillerwithHeart (2) | November 19, 2018 6:03am
Best build for Hecarim i had seen this season... very nice.
Hopefully i will get out of bronze 5 now.
DjapeFromSerbia (25) | November 20, 2018 4:45am
Best build for Hecarim i had seen this season... very nice.
Hopefully i will get out of bronze 5 now.

Im really happy to hear that you like this build. Thank you!
Maintained (201) | November 18, 2018 2:49pm
Hecarim's Q Rampage doesn't work like Renekton's W, using Q on Hecarim immediately after your AA will CANCEL your auto attack!

Hecarim's Q does not cancel his auto attacks. If anything it works like Counter Strike
DjapeFromSerbia (25) | November 19, 2018 5:47am
Maintained wrote:

Hecarim's Q does not cancel his auto attacks. If anything it works like Counter Strike

Yeah you are right, it's working like Jax's E, but its not like Wukong's Q or Renekton's W, at least not smooth as those two abilites.
PsiGuard (1495) | November 19, 2018 2:41pm
The way abilities like Jax E, Hecarim Q and Nocturne E and W work is that they have no cast time, so they can be used while moving or attacking without interrupting those actions. If you cast any of those abilities during an autoattack, you may not see the attack animation, but the basic attack will still go off during the cast.

This basically means you can spam Hecarim's Q without worrying about basic attack timing since you won't ever interrupt one of your attacks.
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Hecarim , Jungle Guide for Season 14 [ Patch 14.19 ]

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