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btw nice guide
btw nice guide
Thank you, I update it to current patch.
First of all, thank you. I wanted to make build as simple as possible, so that's why is it so classic, also Hecarim doesn't have a lot of synergies, but few movespeed boosters like, Lulu, Zilean, Karma etc...
Hopefully this build helped you! :)
Hopefully i will get out of bronze 5 now.
Hopefully i will get out of bronze 5 now.
Im really happy to hear that you like this build. Thank you!
Hecarim's Q does not cancel his auto attacks. If anything it works like
Hecarim's Q does not cancel his auto attacks. If anything it works like
Yeah you are right, it's working like
This basically means you can spam Hecarim's Q without worrying about basic attack timing since you won't ever interrupt one of your attacks.