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Hecarim Build Guide by Mr fou



Updated on April 18, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Mr fou Build Guide By Mr fou 8,581 Views 0 Comments
8,581 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Mr fou Hecarim Build Guide By Mr fou Updated on April 18, 2022
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1 2 3
Phase Rush
Nimbus Cloak

Legend: Alacrity
Last Stand

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None
Hecarim's basic strategy is simple: His movement speed increases his damage, the faster he moves, the more damage he will deal. This must be taken into account when activating his E since while he gains the speed boost, hecarim can still use his Q, dealing even more damage thanks to the attack boost that his passive grants him. A player who uses hecarim must be clear that, whatever the occasion, on top or in the jungle, fighting still and fixed in one position is not an option for hecarim. To get the most out of your passive I recommend using ghost instead of flash.
Hecarim on top is pretty simple, you start with basic boots and a couple of potions. Then, depending on your adversary, if it is AP or AD we will buy the Mercurial or the Tabi ... but for this we will not arm them little by little, it is best to wait until we have enough gold to buy them immediately along with the militia enchantment. With this and thanks to his E, we will get to line in a matter of seconds and before your rival has managed to push your line completely. By reading this you will understand that hecarim does not use a very offensive gameplay at the top. Reserve your mana to farm the waves of minions and only deal damage if your opponent deals it first. If you are badly injured before your time you can go to base without having the money for your boots, since the key to killing online is simply: not to die.
With the boots already in place, your next mission is to build your trinity in the order of: Bacteriophage, Shine, Complete trinity. The bonuses that this item gives Hecarim are fundamental and highly, VERY recommended for its playability. after this you can choose to arm yourself defensive or offensive, since you already have the damage. Good options to complement your serious build: Zephyr, Sunfire Cloak and Randuin's Omen.
Machete y 2 pociones para empezar, luego matamos a Gromp con un poco de ayuda y despues al golem. si algo hace falta con heca JG es su mana, el cual sin su golem desaparece despues del 2° campamento. es recomendable ir a por los raptores y luego a por el bufo rojo junto con tu fiel smite para no moriri en el intento. una vez listo eso podras comprarte tu item de jg y algunas pociones. el item de JG varia segun que tan experimentado seas en ese sector, en otras palabras: elige el que mas te guste. Para la jungla, trinity se nos hace demaciado caro, por lo cual disminuiremos un poco el daño y nos compraremos el puño de los hijos del hielo empezando por nuestro fiel brillo, luego una buena cantidad de defnesa basada en nuestros adversarios y finalmente zefiro para ayudar a destruir torres con eficacia.
Machete and 2 potions to start, then we kill Gromp with a little help and then the golem. if something is missing with heca JG it is his mana, which without his golem disappears after the 2nd camp. It is advisable to go for the kidnappers and then for the red buff along with your faithful smite so as not to die in the attempt. once that is ready you can buy your jg item and some potions. The JG item varies according to how experienced you are in that sector, in other words: choose the one you like the most. For the jungle, trinity is too expensive for us, so we will reduce the damage a little and we will buy the fist of the children of the ice starting with our faithful shine, then a good amount of defense based on our adversaries and finally zefiro to help to destroy towers effectively.
You must take advantage of your E to be able to move around the map but trying to calculate its cooling to have it recharged in case you need it. Many times you can use your e to give huge hits of damage to a tower, chase a wounded enemy or run away. A hecarim who wants to help his team must understand that the best he can do is go, hit a tower using his trinity or his fist together with his q to inflict even more damage, knock down the tower and use his e to get out of the place quickly . Also in team fights, your greatest support would be your last. A well-used ulti directed towards the enemy marksman or mage, in addition to disabling them, will inflict a brutal amount of damage, which will help your team a lot.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Mr fou
Mr fou Hecarim Guide
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