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Ability Order
Hextech Affinity (PASSIVE)
Heimerdinger Passive Ability
Heimerdinger was my first champ i loved to play and made my personal perfect Build
You Should already know already all Heimerdinger's effects and spells or u would have Problems
IF u can't alive or don't become stacks for mejais then u would maybe suck the match
by full items ,stacks and potions i had more as 1000 ap
-Very good dmg
-Your Tower Make attack Dmg so the enemy must buy both def for you
-you can Hold lanes perfectly
-high minions farm
-at early only grenade spam to hold back the enemy
-crazy afro hear
-not many escape options
-lose 1/3 from Soulstealer stacks by death
-weak vs attack dmg ranged heros
-Very good dmg
-Your Tower Make attack Dmg so the enemy must buy both def for you
-you can Hold lanes perfectly
-high minions farm
-at early only grenade spam to hold back the enemy
-crazy afro hear
-not many escape options
-lose 1/3 from Soulstealer stacks by death
-weak vs attack dmg ranged heros
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