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Ability Order
Hextech Affinity (PASSIVE)
Heimerdinger Passive Ability
- Really stong jungle
- Fast jungle
- Alomst garantied kills if he gets behind the laner
- Exelent at holding lanes, dosn't have to be in lane
- Little CC, hard to hit with stun
- Needs his turrets to jungle in early levels
- Need first blue
- Weak ganks if the oppisite laner is defensive
- Really stong jungle
- Fast jungle
- Alomst garantied kills if he gets behind the laner
- Exelent at holding lanes, dosn't have to be in lane
- Little CC, hard to hit with stun
- Needs his turrets to jungle in early levels
- Need first blue
- Weak ganks if the oppisite laner is defensive
In the jungle, you start at blue. You set out your turret in the brush so it does not attack the blue when it spawns. Then you get a pull and basic-attack it. Let the agro go over to your yurret and when you can, execute it with smite.
Then you go over to wolves and set out a turret. Basic-attack the big wolf and fire of you rockets as often as possible.
Then you go over to wraits and take them out with a turret and some rockets.
Then go take red. Start with letting the turret take the agro and fire rockets. When the turret die, just basic-attack the red until you can execute it with smite.
After red you can either gank a needing lane or go take golems.
From here you are free to gank and take some jungle monsters when you want to.
Then you go over to wolves and set out a turret. Basic-attack the big wolf and fire of you rockets as often as possible.
Then you go over to wraits and take them out with a turret and some rockets.
Then go take red. Start with letting the turret take the agro and fire rockets. When the turret die, just basic-attack the red until you can execute it with smite.
After red you can either gank a needing lane or go take golems.
From here you are free to gank and take some jungle monsters when you want to.
I go for a 21 - 0 - 9. You don't need defensive masteries because your turrets take almost all the damage. On the offensive, I take CD and AP so my turrets are stronger and I have them more often.
On utility is choose mana and mana regain because Heimerdinger burns mana, some movment speed and Runic affinity so the blue sticks to you longer, giving you an easier jungle.
On utility is choose mana and mana regain because Heimerdinger burns mana, some movment speed and Runic affinity so the blue sticks to you longer, giving you an easier jungle.
I start out with an Amplifying tome for stronger turrets and other abilities. After boots, I rush Rylai's for more HP and better ganks/get aways. Then I buy Rabadons and Rod of Ages for more substain, mana and a lot of AP. Then I buy a Will of the Ancients for some spell vamp and AP. I finish my build with a Void Staff so the enemies MR don't help that much.
I start with turrets and max them as fast as possible because they are what making jungling possible for Heimerdinger. I take rockets at level two and max them at level 13 for damage (and if Rylai's, slow). In level three I take Granade for better ganks and stronger jungle. I max this at level 18 because it's not used for damage, only for stun/blind.
I take the ultimate at level 6, 11 and 16.
I take the ultimate at level 6, 11 and 16.
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