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Some major pros are that he can do a lot of AOE damage and crowd control. Important in team fights. Another pro is his passive. He can increase health regen.
A con is that his turrets will get targeted and will get destroyed if not defended well. Make sure your team knows to protect your turrets. No turrets and Heimerdinger is probably dead or almost dead. He cant win even 1v1 fights. He's not made for that.
A con is that his turrets will get targeted and will get destroyed if not defended well. Make sure your team knows to protect your turrets. No turrets and Heimerdinger is probably dead or almost dead. He cant win even 1v1 fights. He's not made for that.
Heimerdinger can get kills from people buy staying around his turrets but trying not to take much damage. Some people will not realize that your turrets can be very dangerous if 2 or 3 are deployed. Try not to get in a fight with some one who has twice as much health as you. He won't take those odds and win very much.
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