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Brand Build Guide by carthelan

Hey morgana yusodead?

Hey morgana yusodead?

Updated on October 21, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author carthelan Build Guide By carthelan 1,802 Views 0 Comments
1,802 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author carthelan Brand Build Guide By carthelan Updated on October 21, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Chapter 1

This build is designed to get you lots of health/mana/AP early game and it scales very well mid-late game. Early-Mid game, if you can catch your opponent mid in a Conflag/Sear combo and drop your Pillar into ulti/ingite, that will be an instant kill no matter what. That's how I can kill a good Morgana mid. Now time for the build.

You start off the game with a Doran's ring, and depending on how the lane goes and how many kills you get on their mid, you can either get 2 or 3 Doran's rings before you build Boots. After you get your boots you buy the health or mana item to build into your Catalyst, again depending on what you need most in mid. Keep farming untill you get your Rod of Ages. When you get your Rod of Ages complete, just farm like a mad man to get your Deathcap. If you get lots of kills and fast money, get your Large Rod before the Blasting wand. Once Deathcap is done, the next big item to get is your Archangel Staff. Here's where the mana from Rod of Ages helps a lot, Also an Archangel staff gives you the most AP after your Deathcap, if you have a Rod of Ages. Once you get your Archangel Staff you're sitting on a complete build. Most games I'll build a Rylai's Scepter just because of the health and AP. Rylai's and a Rod of Ages together turn you into one tanky **********er. The final thing I get will be a Deathfire Grasp or another Archangel Staff. Dont forget that the +Max Mana per cast does not stack, but the 3% Mana-AP conversion does stack.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author carthelan
carthelan Brand Guide
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