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Katarina Build Guide by junioralchemy

Middle House of Menaces: Katarina

Middle House of Menaces: Katarina

Updated on December 2, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author junioralchemy Build Guide By junioralchemy 3,660 Views 0 Comments
3,660 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author junioralchemy Katarina Build Guide By junioralchemy Updated on December 2, 2021
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Runes: Big Gains

1 2
Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Ultimate Hunter

Coup de Grace

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Champion Build Guide

House of Menaces: Katarina

By junioralchemy
Lethality Kat
Great damage
Great stealth and mobility
Good abliity haste
Great assassination potential

Sucks into champs who build armour
No long fights/trades
Still weak laning till level 4

Electrocute : Best rune for this build as it allows for quick burst damage in short trades which complements this lethality assassin playstyle.

Sudden Impact : Great for high mobility champions such as Katarina and the extra lethality is beneficial.

Eyeball Collection : Gives permanent AD for every kill or assist.

Ultimate Hunter : Permanently reduces ultimate cooldown per kill/assisst.

Triumph: Restore health every kill and gives some money. Money buys items. Items translates into kills. Kills equate to money. The cycle repeats.

Coup De Grace : Paired with Collector, any squishy champion can catch these daggers.

Best mythic: applies on hit, slows target, takedowns make you invisible for 1.5 seconds, grants ability haste. Kata can easily abuse this, quickly assassinating a carry, go invisible then assassinate someone else. The process repeats. Also the invisible helps you reposition for unfavourable situations.

Grants bonus movement speed and a ghosting active. This allows you to catch up to your target and assassinate them.

Since your ult scales with attack speed, it is very appropriate to include this item. Gives attack speed, life steal and on-hit which is essential towards this build.
Axiom Arc

This here is the game changer because killing a champ within 3 seconds refunds 25% of your ultimate's cooldown. Now you can press R, get a kill, go invisible, press R again and just rinse and repeat
Umbral Glaive

A hidden gem, in my opinion. It reveals and disable any wards or traps making you invisible to them. Great for roaming through the river or the jungle as you get the element of surprise
I was intrigued by the addition of axiom arc and interested to try it on Katarina,who benfits from resets. Thanks for reading. Any feedback message me at Alchemist Cyanide#5581 on Discord.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author junioralchemy
junioralchemy Katarina Guide
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House of Menaces: Katarina

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