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Recommended Items
Runes: Epic Gamer Runes
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Follow this to be alpha AF
Perseverance (PASSIVE)
Garen Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Yuumu will literally clap you so ban her every time. Legit shes a ****ing monster
Zac yeets himself at the enemys and you beat the **** out of them with Zac's help.
Zac yeets himself at the enemys and you beat the shit out of them with Zac's help.
Champion Build Guide
Add me on myspace: @GarenGodDaddy69
So you start with your q and you wanna use it to smack any boys who come close to you. If they stay smack em again with an auto. Focus on getting the CS so you can be epic.
Run up to the boys, auto them and run off. OR
Run up to the boys, auto them and q them and run off. OR
Run up to the boys, auto them and q them and press E and chase them down the lane. Maybe press W so you don't get ****ed while you do it. If they are low on health after bullying them ****ing slam down on R and they die.
Now fellas that took me years to perfect so I understand if you don't understand but it will come to you.
HOW TO GET VIC ROYALE: Bully the laner until they die. Steal their pocket money and buy some items to bully them harder with. If they don't tell their Mum to come out of Jungle and eat you you will clap them. You can split push like a ***** or be alpha and run it down mid and kill their boys. Rinse and repeat all of this and you'll be Iron5 in no time.
If you choose to max W, make sure when they are about to smack you press W so you don't die of HIV. Simple.
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