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Irelia Build Guide by FreakHawk

How to Carry a fallen back Team

How to Carry a fallen back Team

Updated on March 24, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author FreakHawk Build Guide By FreakHawk 3,819 Views 4 Comments
3,819 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author FreakHawk Irelia Build Guide By FreakHawk Updated on March 24, 2012
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Hello LoL- Community. My name is Freakhawk and in this guide, which is also my first guide on MOBAfire i will present you a very well-known champion.

IRELIA- The will of Blades!

When i first tried Irelia, i already knew that this is MY CHAMPION! I totally love her playstyle and her characteristics.

She's a really good and usefull Champion for every team. Her Utility makes her indispensable for any setup to win a game. The next good advantage is her speed. I dont know any better pusher/carry/tanky Damage Dealer ingame.

Since at least 60% of the LoL community do not read these guides, but rather are interested in the Runes, Masteries and Items, what in my opinion is very sad, because the authors give a lot of effort to write those, i will keep it short and just set the focus on the really important things, some tips and tricks.

I hope u will enjoy reding this Guide and i can help you finding a way to win nearly any Game doesn't matter your team is bad or good.
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The Lore: Irelia

The Ionians have developed some of the most breathtaking and deadly martial arts on all of Runeterra - just one manifestation of their pursuit of enlightenment. The most remarkable blade style to emerge, however, was the unusual byproduct of foreign intervention. Master Lito was a swordsman whose teachings were sought by ruling classes from nearly every city-state. His art was a highly-guarded secret, but it was said that swords would breathe in his grasp. He withered unexpectedly from a mysterious disease which baffled the brightest of Runeterran physicians. When he died, he left behind Zelos and Irelia, his son and daughter, and a truly unique weapon. Zelos became a sergeant in the Ionian military and left to seek assistance from Demacia immediately prior to Noxus' invasion of Ionia. Irelia, charged with the protection of their home until Zelos returned, was alone when the Noxian forces struck.

The Ionians fought admirably, but soon Ionian blood stained the land beneath the prints of foreign boots. At the Great Stand of the Placidium, Ionians prepared for surrender, but were inspired to maintain their resistance when the young Irelia lifted her father's enormous blade and pledged to hold until her brother returned. In the chaos of the ensuing fight, Irelia was cursed with dark Noxian Necromancy. As her life ebbed, Soraka, the Starchild, made a final attempt to anchor her fading soul. Unwilling to relinquish her home, Irelia rose at the brink of death, and her father's sword lifted in the air alongside her. Irelia rushed back to the fore, unfazed by the blade's sudden animation. The weapon danced around her effortlessly, cutting down Noxians as they gaped in horror. The decimated invaders were forced to retreat from the Placidium. Irelia was appointed Ionia's Captain of the Guard, and when the defense of her homeland moved to the Fields of Justice, so did she.
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First focus our view on the Attack Speed:
I picked the Attack speed in the Marks, Seals and Glyphs for bursting your Damage in the early Laning Phase, and of course because of your W-Spell which deals truedamage with your autoattacks. Also its an advantage for you, because when you bought Wrigles Lantern you can regenerate your life very fast.

The next one are the Greater Mark of Might:
I pick those because of playing Solo-Top you will level really fast and will hit level 18 after about 25 minutes when u continuous farming. And so "Attack Damage/LvL" is a good pick.
Also u can "suprise" your Enemy on the toplane because your AD will grow very fast.:D

Last but not least we will take a quick look on the Resistance Runes I picked:
You are an off-tank ---> You need Armor Magic Resistance and Health.
So its really easy to explain these. You need early game Resistance to prevent ganks from the nemys jungler and for sure to farm a long time without the need to go to base because you are lowlife. Also those Resistance gives you the opportunity to play a bit agressive and harrass your enemy, which is important so you will make him to go base and deny him his farm and XP.

The movement Speed Runes are also very important to get back fast when the jungler will gank you and of course to be at the right place to the right time to support your team in teamfights.
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To have the right masteries for the right champion is very important.

You cant play an Offtank with Ap Carry Masteries, so i picked 1/21/8 Masteries.
I play Irelia with Ghost and Teleport so i put 1 point in the Offense Tree for the 35% Movementboost. The 21 Points in the Defense Tree are the normal Offtank Masteries. I put also 3 in the Movement over 70% life, because it's important for the Earlygame and of course the whole game, when u wanna Push a Lane or need to get to your team for a Teamfight.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author FreakHawk
FreakHawk Irelia Guide
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How to Carry a fallen back Team

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