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Night Hunter (PASSIVE)
Vayne Passive Ability
Ladies and Gentlemen, it's a meta-breaking build for AP Vayne. We will try to make this epic ADC possible to rule as AP champion on Top. Let's move to Inspiration chapter.
Well, once I've seen breaking meta with APC Miss Fortune, first item, that this guy bought was Nashor's Tooth. On this holiday I've seen a lot of humor guides and then I thought..."Why not try to make APC Vayne?? She's based on Autoattacks damage, so Nashor's Tooth should make it all good with some AP and basically we have ADC with AP damage from Autoattacks." Is that gonna work? Try it out ;)
Well I won't write tips etc., because this meta doesn't need it. I know APC Vayne mechanic is difficult to understand, but with general explanations before any wordguide I wrote is enough to know what to do. If I scored any good score, I will post it in the guide to make you sure it isn't hopeless guide without any sense.
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