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How to climb from Iron to Diamond +

How to climb from Iron to Diamond +

Updated on December 22, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author xCristiannr Build Guide By xCristiannr 4 2 16,398 Views 0 Comments
4 2 16,398 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author xCristiannr Build Guide By xCristiannr Updated on December 22, 2018
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Champion Build Guide

How to climb from Iron to Diamond +

By xCristiannr
Hey there! My name is Cris, also known in Twitch, or Twitter. I am a high Diamond / Master Tier ADC / Jungle player from Spain. I have been playing League Of Legends since Season 1 (yeah, really long time ago though).

I made this guide under my experience on League, specially made for players who wants to get better, or outline their game knowledge. I will also do specific guides, like Draven , Irelia (once I spam a lot of games with her), Twitch, Lee Sin, Yasuo, and many more.

This is my first guide on Mobafire, so be patient with me!
Any comment/discussion is highly appreciated and accepted, it also helps me to improve.
- Know your champion. First of all, you should ONLY play maximum 3-4 champions. Do not play every single champion you have on your account. Try to learn new champions if your champion pool is out of the meta. Check this page if you do not know which one should you play / learn.
- Watch streams or videos, also your own replays. Maybe you do not notice your own mistakes, but you can on others if you are not the one who is in the game. Write down the common mistakes they make, try to avoid those mistakes and keep improving with the time.
- Do not get stressed if you are losing. Not gonna lie, noone does this. Everyone gets stressed. Everyone wants to win. Make a difference, stay cool, and overall, DO NOT TYPE, you will lose a ****ton of games (I can tell you).
- Set up a game plan. This is rarely seen and used, but it helps to improve your macrogame and decision making. Call your team to take objetives, make traps, or just to open the game.
- Play a lot of games. Nobody is born knowing how to play League (unless you are me). Plant seeds to grow your garden. It is obvious that people are different, they can get higher with lesser amount of games, but if you are not that kind of player, do not worry, you will get to that point.

Once you completed these steps, let's go to the real hood out here.


There is no difference between Iron and Gold divisions, practically. These tips are the most important to take a look on:

-Dominate your lane
Become the one who carries the game. NEVER dare to play any kind of tank champion, abuse your laner with fighters, such as Yasuo, Riven, Irelia, Tryndamere, Darius, Fiora, Aatrox, Jax, Jayce, Renekton, Urgot or Illaoi (there are many more champions, but every single one works in this elo).

- Be fast at learning macrogame
If you play aggresive champions, your team will depend on you, since you have all the damage of your team. Do not get cocky trying to get every tower, but try to maximize your power entertaining enemy jungler, using Teleport on other lanes to help, or just to get global gold (destroying towers).

- Use a correct logic
You are the one who will push the most in the game (if bot is non existent obviously), so try to avoid ragesplits, not using Control Ward, Farsight Alteration or even your Stealth Ward. All vision possible is essential to make a safe push.

- Play powerfarm champions
Iron to Gold games are highly known because of their lenght, they usually last around 30 minutes (or even more). Champions like Master Yi, Twitch, Karthus, Vi works perfectly in this elo. Once they are ahead in gold, game is, most likely, going to end up in a win.

- Learn pathing
As a Jungler, this is the essential thing to learn. Learning / Making new paths and adapt it to your playstyle takes some games, but once you mastered it, you will climb up a lot. I explain my pathing sometimes on my channel on Twitch, so stay tuned!

- Ping a lot to avoid possible ganks/skirmishes
This utility is mostly used to question mark your own team. Try to spam a lot of pings, so your team can react to it (sometimes 2 is not enough for some players). Track enemy jungler with vision, or make a guess of where they are. It is very useful to avoid possible ganks.

- Help your team
It is not common to see a midlaner helping his team, but once it is happening, games are usually faster and easier to win. Champions like Aurelion Sol, Katarina, Talon, Zed, Anivia, Irelia are highly useful to help your team with roams, helping your jungler to invade enemy jungle and also to win the lane easily. Also, try to skirmish enemy jungler, or just steal any camp, preferably Razorbeaks (chickens).

- You are the Jungler support (or Jungler v2)
Previous seasons, the Jungler had to make all dirty job for you. Now, the midlane has to help everyone to get a bigger advantage on everyone. Specially Junglers. Set up ganks, invades, secure crabs, 4 man gank on bot / 3 man on top. Always place a Control Ward on your Jungle to prevent getting invaded and probably grant a free kill.

- Get used to getting camped
Botlane is the lane where all Junglers has a tent on. Do not think you will play 2v2, this will be surely a 2v3, 2v4, 3v3 or 4v4 lane, permanently. Look at the map, surround yourself with wards, and make sure you are out of danger. Learn trading, orbwalking, kiting, and more techniques you should use as ADC.

- Help -OVER ALL- your Support
Keep the ego down, because you will not be the one who wins the lane. Support is one of the least balanced role you can ever play. So there is where you want to look at. Help your Support to clear safe the Control Ward that enemy team has and also follow up doing trades, since they will not follow you (if you are on SoloQ).
But do not worry, everything you do will has a reward.

- Play champions who abuses Ardent Censer
Easiest way to win the lane is playing a duo botlane with a Shield or Healing champion (such as Lulu, Soraka, Janna, Nami). ADC's who has good synergy with Ardent (and currently on meta) are Draven, Kai'Sa, Lucian, Tristana, Twitch, Varus or Xayah.

- Abuse solokillers / Ardent Censer
Supports are known for peeling their Marksman till they die, instead, Supports will kill your own ADC and probably enemy botlane at same time. Champions like Alistar, Leona, Pyke or Tahm Kench are the perfect ones for this situation.
If your playstyle is different, adapt to Ardent Censer champions, such as Lulu, Nami, Soraka, Rakan, Sona, Janna or Taric.

- Try to learn your ADC playstyle and adapt to him, do not force ADC to change his playstyle.
This is a big step of SoloQ botlane, you do not know each other, so surely you will encounter lots of missunderstandings. People tends to permanently go in and the other one is staying behind. It is all about understanding each other.

- Make the lane safe from ganks
Make sure your Stealth Ward is always on CD, also learn the spots that you should ward, if you do not know where, you can watch it here for early game, and here for lategame.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author xCristiannr
xCristiannr Guide
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How to climb from Iron to Diamond +

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