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Hello LENITHEBOT! I received the notification that we had received a request! I can definitely be of assistance, everyone has to have a desire to battle the competition with guides to do better with the content that they can provide. I'll try my best to help with what little you have.
Right out of the gates, I would prefer to see Alistar's main rune present in the front while Phase Rush set to a secondary choice. You rarely see anything other than
The rest of this section seems good enough. Good set of items and notes with champion information.
We don't really need a skin spotlight, unless it warrants it. Example: Some skins are extremely clunky and that can be a nuisance. So playing a specific skin can help in the ___ field. We can see skins in game. No need here.
There is a lot to be desired here. Consistency is lacking severely in the beginning. Pros & Cons are really squished together with a lot of text for something that should be blunt and straight forward.
Summoner spells section is too much remove the image on the right side. It's squishing the left text because it's taking up so much space and is just and eye sore & is completely inconsistent with the next sections. Abilities & Items which look really nice. So you definitely want to keep it all the same not different.
Speaking about abilities, give us some video references. It helps a lot, instead of walls of text. Combo + Hexflash could also do more with visual examples and shorter and neater displays.
The final sections like Early game levels could be reduced into spoilers or presented much better, while warding could use some imagery. You can only explain things so much. A picture says a thousand words.
It's an alright short and simple guide to Alistar which could be improved with a few minor changes here and there to make it visually interesting to read and keep with. The inconsistencies in each section throws me off.
You also have a CENTER left open in your boot choices. You should properly close it, so it all aligns together.