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Generally major threat early game. Once group fights start happening, you will find that his damage and ultimate will matter less as long as starts getting held back.
Just dont give him too early of a kill and you should be fine. If he has ignite, respect him, but dont go easy.
Extremely hard to deal with. He will hold you down and beat you to death. Place safe, abuse your zero mana costs on Q.
Can be a threat, but major issue is mistiming your stuns with her escape and her intial ultimate cast. Wait for her to waste abilities before you go for the kill.
Dr. Mundo
Fairly weak, but their ultimate can lead to very prolonging fights. Your mini gnar W passive does magic damage, so take that into account of his E passive.
Mainly just a poke lane. If you have a good sense of timing on his barrels, you should be able to deal with him to an extent. Be weary of his oranges when trying to stun.
Just avoid fighting as MEGA Gnar if they have their ultimate. Fairly easy to kite down.
Current meta Chode is just a slow bot, so just try not to get too close. Late game will be a issue. Make sure to get BC.
Try to stay near walls once she hits 6. Be weary of mini Gnar's E bounce when she ults. She essentially can dash to you twice if she nails you with her ult or stun.
You're both short and you're both furry. You are the master of kiting and hes the master of running people down. If hes off his mount, he is easy to deal with as mini Gnar. Get thornmail as soon as you can.
Engage when he doesnt have jump or stun. If he starts blocking as minignar, just run away until its over.
Early game hes rough, but its Jayce. He will fall off pretty soon into mid game, so just play into that.
He slows you and he can destroy your attack speed. Poke down when he doesnt have ult, hope he ults you when hes low health.
Beat down early. They can snow ball real quick. Consider abyssal helm but GET FORCE OF NATURE.
Its a matter of sustain between you and Nasus. You both slow, but your build and abilities should give you a speed advantage. If you think hes gonna engage. Hold q until he slows.
Just dont stand near his pillars and you should be fine. Try to hold jump/flash until he ults, jump right before he headbuts the ram
Easy to deal with as mini, can be a major threat if left to heal. Poke down. Neither of you have mana, so just be careful. Your levels of sustain are very similar.
Poke down, make her waste abilities right before you go MEGA gnar. Hard early, easy late.
Let him come to you, as he will anyways with his e. Chase him down if he stuns you, just run away after you do about 1/4 to 1/2 of his health as damage.
Her stuns/knock ups are better then yours, but she has to run at you to kill you. Try to sustain until mythic completion, should be easy to deal with afterwards.
This is mainly just a skill match up, but he is designed to make getting away fairly hard. Try to just sustain and poke him down.
You W passive can proc against his decoy, and its fairly easy to tell if you're attacking a decoy or not depending on your W passive outline.
His passive can poke you down, but because he needs to run at you to do a proper engage, you can slow him down fairly well just from your q. If has his ult but hasn't used it, try ulting first. Your R deploy is quicker then your W deploy in MEGA Gnar. His ultimate negates CC while it is active.
Just bait her riposte. Your W deploys slightly slow, so if you're in range and she tries to ripose, wait until the middle of when she is casting riposte then w. She will be stunned.
This man can end your life as mini Gnar, but your raw energy as MEGA Gnar is unbeatable. Poke down then full engage as mega Gnar. Slow and disengage if he tries to flash. His blind should last as long as your mega Gnar W stun, so you can just even it out by making him sit there.
Ultimate go brrrrrrr
Constant slowing is very useful. They shouldn't be able to escape.
Ultimate go brrrrrrr
Constant slowing is very useful. They shouldn't be able to escape.
This is where all the old people selling baking recipes introduce themselves and explain why their life sucks previous to cooking. That doesn't matter to me because im probably gold stuck, so just move on from the shippost here and go down to where we all just suffer from depth based screaming of trying to figure out why a Kayle just 2 shot us in mini gnar.
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