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Champion Build Guide
1. Walking to your lane
First walk to your lane and sit in mid bush closest to your botside to prevent invade, as you are basically a ward at level 1.
You will then encounter creeps and hopefully the ennemy midlaner, who's likely to try to kill you for the next 30mn.
If possible, try to land your first auto + passive on the ennemy, otherwise you can just stack your Grasp on the creeps then fire at the ennemy.
Always use your corrupting potion when landing an AA if you are not full mana & life,
this will make the trades way easier.
GG you know how to play GP for the first 15mn of the game.
You will then encounter creeps and hopefully the ennemy midlaner, who's likely to try to kill you for the next 30mn.
If possible, try to land your first auto + passive on the ennemy, otherwise you can just stack your Grasp on the creeps then fire at the ennemy.
Always use your corrupting potion when landing an AA if you are not full mana & life,
this will make the trades way easier.
GG you know how to play GP for the first 15mn of the game.
2. Use Sheen at will
When you get your sheen, you will have to harass the midlaner with as much Q as you can. He won't be able to sustain it and will likely call for a gank or back.
You still can't really all-in most of chars, but with your harass they will get in kill range rather quickly.
Once you have Essence Reaver, the game turns into an endless nightmare for the midlaner as you are never low on mana and still harass like hell.
You still can't really all-in most of chars, but with your harass they will get in kill range rather quickly.
Once you have Essence Reaver, the game turns into an endless nightmare for the midlaner as you are never low on mana and still harass like hell.
3. Do the TRICKS
You have 2 tricks to surprise your ennemies and act faster.
The first one is as follows:
Pretty self-explanatory right ? You can drop 2 barrels linked, shoot the first one and while the second explodes you can drop a third one wherever you want as long as it is linked to the second.
The second one is really simple to explain:
You only have to buffer your Q out of range of a barrel, then when the Q is entering range and firing, drop another barrel.
Notice how I drew the Tricorn ? It's stylish.
The first one is as follows:
Pretty self-explanatory right ? You can drop 2 barrels linked, shoot the first one and while the second explodes you can drop a third one wherever you want as long as it is linked to the second.
The second one is really simple to explain:
You only have to buffer your Q out of range of a barrel, then when the Q is entering range and firing, drop another barrel.
Notice how I drew the Tricorn ? It's stylish.
Teamfighting as GP
You'll need to setup a good flank or kiteback on late teamfights, as the ADC will be targetting your barrels.
Landing a good ult that will make the ennemies move towards a direction to get out of it is key to teamfights.
Note that if the ennemies don't take the short path to get out of your ult, you almost won the fight since the damage output is huge.
Most people are aware of that, so take it into account to ult in a way that will advantage your team.
You can also engage like a real pirate melee fights, but you are likely to loose. Stylish tho.
Landing a good ult that will make the ennemies move towards a direction to get out of it is key to teamfights.
Note that if the ennemies don't take the short path to get out of your ult, you almost won the fight since the damage output is huge.
Most people are aware of that, so take it into account to ult in a way that will advantage your team.
You can also engage like a real pirate melee fights, but you are likely to loose. Stylish tho.
Yorick Zemmour
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