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Ability Order
Brand Passive Ability
This is Dominion , so you have to be fast. Boots of Mobility are perfect for Brand because they let you go from point A to point B (in our case turrets that you must capture) so much fast also when running away many champions cant catch you (and if you are pro like me you turn back do "E"+"Q" and you are a free man :P ). You will also notice that your money will come very fast to you so no point in waiting for that Rabadon Deathcap get it asap. Next item you want to get is the hextech revolver because you need to get more tanky. Next item I get is Giant's Belt to get even more buffed and also to get faster Rylai's scepter. Next item you wanna get is that Void Staff because it's annoying to do little dmg to targets that stack magic resist items.Last item you wanna get is Zhonya's Hourglass or maybe Rod of Ages both items are good.
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