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Katarina Build Guide by xShuu

Middle How to win Katarina Vs. Zed

Middle How to win Katarina Vs. Zed

Updated on June 18, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author xShuu Build Guide By xShuu 23,568 Views 0 Comments
23,568 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author xShuu Katarina Build Guide By xShuu Updated on June 18, 2017
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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Play aggressive before level 6. Dodge his Q and try to kill him in lvl 3 or 4 to gain an advantage, take advantage of the advantage you have gained. Do not push if you haven't vision of the map.

If he engage you with his ultimate just Shumpo (e) away of there and you'll dogde his Ult + Q combo.

[HAVING ZED HIS R] E + W is the combo. DON'T USE YOUR ULTIMATE AND Q, when he Ult to you, dodge his combos with shumpo and then you'll use your Q and ultimate to kill him (Q will reset your E) if he scapes you should have E again. [Normally he must be dead already] If he's not use your Ignite

[HAVING NOT ZED'S ULTIMATE] If Zed haven't Ultimate the combo will be E+W+Q+R, wait to reset your E with the W's blade and Shumpo to Q's blade if he's nearby (If he's not nearby to the blade, just Shumpo him). If he scape with lower HP use your Ignite.

Ignite + Deathfire Touch is very OP.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author xShuu
xShuu Katarina Guide
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