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Map Control
Mobility (when ulti if on CD)
No sustain
Reds: Magic Pen or flat AD
I personally prefer flat AD because it helps with farming and actually makes your W's hit a bit harder. The downside is that your Q and E proc's don't hurt as much.
Yellows: Armor, HP/lvl, mana regen/lvl
TF is stupid squishy and he does have mana regen via his W I much prefer having flat armor to help him with auto attack trades.
Blues: Flat MR, MR/lvl, Flat AP, AP/lvl
This is all dependant on your enemy comp. Watch what they have and pick accordingly.
Quints: Movespeed, Flat AP, Flat HP, Flat AD
This is personal preference on your play style. I usually do flat ap.
I personally prefer flat AD because it helps with farming and actually makes your W's hit a bit harder. The downside is that your Q and E proc's don't hurt as much.
Yellows: Armor, HP/lvl, mana regen/lvl
TF is stupid squishy and he does have mana regen via his W I much prefer having flat armor to help him with auto attack trades.
Blues: Flat MR, MR/lvl, Flat AP, AP/lvl
This is all dependant on your enemy comp. Watch what they have and pick accordingly.
Quints: Movespeed, Flat AP, Flat HP, Flat AD
This is personal preference on your play style. I usually do flat ap.
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