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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Lightslinger (PASSIVE)
Lucian Passive Ability
This build lets you burst everything down almost instantly leading to lots of rage from the enemy team. Side effects may include: you getting fed, winning lots of games, making Thresh look like an idiot for taking your wife, and constantly pew pewing your super amazing ultimate.
Use at your own risk.
Use at your own risk.


- Lucian's passive is pretty over powered. Each shot from this will proc items, lifesteal and so on. Minions and monsters take 100% of his AD instead of the 50-75% and the second shot can critically hit as well

- once you get use to aiming this, you can snipe the enemy champions constantly and follow up by auto attacking with


- This is where the AP portion of this build comes into play. This ability has a 90% AP ratio on it as well as a slight AD Ratio. This is used for clearing minion waves easy as well as checking brush.

- The mobility this gives is insane. Specially since it removes all slows and you can dash over some walls with it. Keep in mind, this does not remove any stuns, roots, etc.

- This is Lucian's bread and butter ability. Full built, you can deal about 3600 damage with his ult. You are still able to use


Offensive Tree
- More attack speed means more damage with your ult
- General Attack Damage
- General Ability Power
Weapon Expertise
- Cuts through enemy armor
Arcane Knowledge
- Cuts through enemy magic resist
Brute Force
- More Attack Damage
- Combined with
Nashor's Tooth, your auto attacks deal a bonus ~100 dmg once you get your
Rabadon's Deathcap
- Most of
Lucian's skills are physical damage, so the extra armor pen gives you a lot more damage
- 5% extra damage is always nice to have
Utility Tree
Summoner's Insight
- Lowers the cooldown on
- Provides Lucian with a small bit of Mana regen
Improved Recall
- 1 second could mean life and death when recalling
- An extra 10% cooldown reduction on
Flash and
Ignite. You'll be able to use them more often
Runic Affinity
- Gotta have blue buff last longer. Don't cha?

Utility Tree

Starting Items
Doran's Blade: This provides you with more health, slightly more damage and the 5 health per basic attack gives a good amount of sustain early game. Staying in lane longer means more gold for you.
First Recall
Fiendish Codex and Boots of Speed: If you can stay in lane, you should be able to get the 1155 gold to buy these in no time. the
Fiendish Codex provides you with a nice AP boost as well as the 10% CDR knocks 10 seconds off your ult cooldown at rank 1.
Boots are just for bonus move speed.
Early to Mid Game
Berserker's Greaves and Nashor's Tooth: Build your
Boots into
Berserker's Greaves right away. The attack speed from just this +
Fiendish Codex will push your ult to do about 700 dmg rank 1.
Finish off your
Nashor's Tooth. This is your main item. This gives you attack speed, AP, Cooldown Reduction, and you deal more damage every basic attack. Including damage from your passive. Easily 900 Damage with
The Culling at this point.
Mid to Late Game
Blade of the Ruined King (BorK) and Rabadon's Deathcap: Bork is your second main item. This gives you your main Attack Damage bonus with it's attack speed, Damage, life steal, and it's passive.
Rabadon's Deathcap is what gives you all your damage on
Ardent Blaze. That is it's soul purpose. It'll add about 40 bonus damage per shot onto your ult. Doesn't seem like much, but it stacks up quick.
Late Game
Last Whisper or The Black Cleaver and Trinity Force: If the enemy team is stacking armor and has more than ~180 armor, then get
Last Whisper. If not,
Black Cleaver is the way to go.
Trinity Force is just an all round item. Bonus AD, AP, move speed, attack speed, and so on. This item benefits to every area that
Lucian needs.

First Recall

Early to Mid Game

Finish off your

Mid to Late Game

Rabadon's Deathcap is what gives you all your damage on

Late Game

Simple. Just last hit minions and harass as you need to. Remember that
Piercing Light can shoot well beyond the targeted enemy. Also
Ardent Blaze has a fairly big explosion radius and can pick up some early game kills as well.

Thanks you for reading my guide for playing
Lucian as a Hybrid Carry for Mid lane. I hope this helped you understand his play style a little better. If something was unclear or you have a suggestion, please leave a comment and I can get back to you right away. Thanks

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