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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Double Strike (PASSIVE)
Master Yi Passive Ability
*Farm, Farm, Farm. You need a lot of farm early game, which is where Ap come in handy, you can use Alpha strike a lot, but you can run OOM really easy if you are not careful.
*Poke with Alpha works
*Save your ult most of the time to get away, unless say you are getting a tower, or maybe dragon
*Don't get really cocky early game
*Backdoor Yi late-game is good if you have the opportunity, just watch the map for people coming to kill and/or gank you.
*You can somewhat tank some hits due to your w when you have a rabadons cap, but don't 1 v 5
*Can tower dive pretty well and live
*Poke with Alpha works
*Save your ult most of the time to get away, unless say you are getting a tower, or maybe dragon
*Don't get really cocky early game
*Backdoor Yi late-game is good if you have the opportunity, just watch the map for people coming to kill and/or gank you.
*You can somewhat tank some hits due to your w when you have a rabadons cap, but don't 1 v 5
*Can tower dive pretty well and live
I give you a choice of good items, but personally i like 2 phantoms and 2 Blood Thirsters. But replacing 1 Blood Thirster with a Infinity Edge is not a bad idea either.
*Personally haven't really tested hextech Gunblade, but its a great Hybrid item
*Personally haven't really tested hextech Gunblade, but its a great Hybrid item
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