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Recommended Items
Runes: Poke
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
For lane kill pressure
Ability Order
Living Battery (PASSIVE)
Zeri Passive Ability
Why Hybrid Zeri?
This build is focused around maximizing W damage whiling maintaining decent all-around damage. Because Zeri's W and R deal magic damage, we build Luden's Tempest and Sorcerer's Shoes for the magic pen. W scales well with both AP and AD, so the Luden's + Manazane combo provides massive damage for the early/mid game.
Zeri's empowered W critically strikes, so we build Essence Reaver + Collecter to hit the 60% crit chance required for Infinity Edge's huge crit damage boost. Essence Reaver's spellblade passive has great synergy with Zeri's Q, and Collector's execute passive enables more late-game W oneshots. These crit items also give lots of AD for more W damage.
This build does high damage throughout all stages of the game, especially once you finish your items with an Infinity Edge.
Zeri's empowered W critically strikes, so we build Essence Reaver + Collecter to hit the 60% crit chance required for Infinity Edge's huge crit damage boost. Essence Reaver's spellblade passive has great synergy with Zeri's Q, and Collector's execute passive enables more late-game W oneshots. These crit items also give lots of AD for more W damage.
This build does high damage throughout all stages of the game, especially once you finish your items with an Infinity Edge.
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