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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Gift of the Drowned Ones (PASSIVE)
Pyke Passive Ability
Wtf is this?
At first it sucks but all the things are too mixed and late game you can destroy brusiers easy.
This items go very well with his kit.
This item is in his core so you need to get it for damage.
It gives you a first hit crit, with full build it deals like 700+ damage.
Boots of mobility
You can change them by your enemies, but if you are fed you need to use this for more speed, if against a fed ap treads, if against heavy damage tabis
Ok so here things are getting ****ed up, why put an ap item in this build (because hyprind hellooo) now really this item is op, if you stack glory and get at least 20 glory your W is broken as ****, you run like hell, you pretty much go Q the adc E for stun a few basics and ult, if the team engages on you without any cc you can't be catched, plus it gives you a little more damage.
Dead mans plate
This item is making you more tanky and gives you speed, what do you wnat more.
This item gives you more ap and you can escape in some situations, if you dont press w and you will run outta the fight.
Guardian angel
It just revives you, gives you damage and armor what do you want more. (this is situational)
This item is in his core so you need to get it for damage.
It gives you a first hit crit, with full build it deals like 700+ damage.
Boots of mobility
You can change them by your enemies, but if you are fed you need to use this for more speed, if against a fed ap treads, if against heavy damage tabis
Ok so here things are getting ****ed up, why put an ap item in this build (because hyprind hellooo) now really this item is op, if you stack glory and get at least 20 glory your W is broken as ****, you run like hell, you pretty much go Q the adc E for stun a few basics and ult, if the team engages on you without any cc you can't be catched, plus it gives you a little more damage.
Dead mans plate
This item is making you more tanky and gives you speed, what do you wnat more.
This item gives you more ap and you can escape in some situations, if you dont press w and you will run outta the fight.
Guardian angel
It just revives you, gives you damage and armor what do you want more. (this is situational)
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