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I recommend always taking top lane. This is because you can get a good amount of farm for yourself so you can build items and its a 1v1 lane which makes killing easier. Also I've found that every time i get ganked it does not matter because I'm always able to get away even with flash down. So as long as you play smart then you can too. I recommend amplifying tome and a health pot first because its a good AP item that builds into fiendish codex which is important and the health pot is for until you reach level 3 because i always like to get my damage abilities first to harrass them more and if played smart then that health pot will last until you can heal yourself with your Q's.
By now if played well you should hopefully have about 2 kills at least. Hopefully you already have one Nashors tooth and are working on IE. You might wonder why i go 2 Nashors. Well its good attack speed, CDR, and AP. Now i know the CDR doesn't stack but with tarics passives its good for replenishing mana and getting the CD of your heal down. So thats why. After 2 Nashors and IE your pretty set and all you need then is BT and Deathcap.
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