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Recommended Items
+8 Ability Haste
+6 Armor
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
Ability Order
Sunlight (PASSIVE)
Leona Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Champion Build Guide
This will be a game changer
If you've looked at my previous works you see that I really enjoy Glacial Augment on many different champs but I had never tried this combo with runes / items on someone like Leona until today and boy oh boy i can't say enough hyperbole (lol) about how I found how busted this can be!
I only do 1 chapter and I will do my best to give a run-down although I think most of us who play Leona will get it.
I've made a few improvements (imo to a otherwise very solid build) getting righteous glory first item i feel has some nice versatility for engage / disengage and just overall play making. I know people really like Mobi's on Leona as well so even though I like that passive of Merc Treads reducing cc, that roaming potential for mobi's is just more aggro and better suited for leona.
I think Randuins as the 2nd big purchase (or even delay to 3rd) is something I like a little more because it still has great synergy with everything we want to do and are building for but it is more expensive. I also like Locket / Redemption / Knights Vow lineup still and feel like overall it's great regardless of comp you can plug in 1 of those 3 after you get your core items.
Thank you for reading this and if you do have any questions feel free to ask! Yes i know i didn't make this all BBcode friendly and pretty but that doesn't make this less effective! If anything you should appreciate this more because I'm not trying to dress this up and do a Dance. Still though if i find anything new out i am always updating to build things optimally within the context of the champ and keystone focus and less within the context of "meta"
I only do 1 chapter and I will do my best to give a run-down although I think most of us who play Leona will get it.
I've made a few improvements (imo to a otherwise very solid build) getting righteous glory first item i feel has some nice versatility for engage / disengage and just overall play making. I know people really like Mobi's on Leona as well so even though I like that passive of Merc Treads reducing cc, that roaming potential for mobi's is just more aggro and better suited for leona.
I think Randuins as the 2nd big purchase (or even delay to 3rd) is something I like a little more because it still has great synergy with everything we want to do and are building for but it is more expensive. I also like Locket / Redemption / Knights Vow lineup still and feel like overall it's great regardless of comp you can plug in 1 of those 3 after you get your core items.
Thank you for reading this and if you do have any questions feel free to ask! Yes i know i didn't make this all BBcode friendly and pretty but that doesn't make this less effective! If anything you should appreciate this more because I'm not trying to dress this up and do a Dance. Still though if i find anything new out i am always updating to build things optimally within the context of the champ and keystone focus and less within the context of "meta"
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