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Jayce Build Guide by Xlyde

I fight for a brighter Elo! Jayce Carry Low-Elo to Plat guid

I fight for a brighter Elo! Jayce Carry Low-Elo to Plat guid

Updated on June 10, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Xlyde Build Guide By Xlyde 3,027 Views 0 Comments
3,027 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Xlyde Jayce Build Guide By Xlyde Updated on June 10, 2015
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Hi! Im a former Plat III current Gold II player who mains Jayce, I think jayce is a strong ranked pick due to his recent buffs in patch 5.11 and I'm a little biased since I love everything about this champ but hes a great climbing champ, ESPECIALLY in low elo.
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Essence Reaver or Bloodthirster?

Ok guys, long story short BT > Essence Reaver BUT if youre having mana problems and not recivieng blues from your jungle ALWAYS go Essence reaver.
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Ok so first back always get a tear and iif you can pick up a pickaxe, then buy a manamune and stack stack stack away, REMEMBER BASIC ATTACKS RESTORE MANA WHILE IN HAMMER FORM AND BASIC ATTACKS STACK MANAMUNE = EZ MURAMANA = EZ GGWP Ok, so then i like a bt or merc scim, usually merc scim vs a Annie, Syndra, or Katarina. Then always get CDR boots youmuus and I like black cleaver last cause yolo.
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Pros / Cons of my build Jayce!

Pros Cons
1. Heavy damage = shut down fed Carries relatively easily 1. Squisher but not 1 shot.
2. Nice poke in moments before teamfight 2. E+Q Cannon can be blocked
3. HEAVY AOE damage on q hammer stance 3. No instant escape
5. 2 speed boost early game= hard 2 gank
6 Can 1v2 squishies if comboed correctly
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Xlyde
Xlyde Jayce Guide
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I fight for a brighter Elo! Jayce Carry Low-Elo to Plat guid

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