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Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Challenging Smite
Ability Order
Loaded Dice (PASSIVE)
Twisted Fate Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Hello everyone, My summoner name is IbnBattuta and believe me "Ibn" isn't spelled I-B-N like a machine's serial name but that's an actual name of a famous Moroccan Traveler and I use his name in games since most Champions/Heroes in most of the rpg games start their adventures as travelers. I started playing LoL back in mid of 2013 (Season 3) then quit the game around level 10 then a year after, I got bored of my normal games so I gave LoL another try and made this account in Season 4 and played till I reached level 10 and quit LoL again but this time because I had a ban for a week due to a leave of mine (Low-Profile Queue didn't exist at that time). Later I downloaded LoL again because of my gaming clan "Damage Incorporated" which was playing LoL so I was thinking of recruiting EUNE players to our clan so I came back to this account and somehow I found players from my country using TeamSpeak as well so LoL became more interesting and fun so I had the motivation to reach level 30 and I achieved that goal and now participating in ranked games and S6 I was Bronze II and in S7 I'm still Bronze V so I hope that I reach Platinum (Whom I'm kidding!). Let's move to our topic, ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
+ Fun to play. + Solo every ADC in Late Game especially ![]() + Insane mobility because of ![]() + Awesome CC and Slow due to his Yellow Card. + Can escape difficult situations with his Stun. + Never run out of Mana due to his Blue Card. + Extra Gold due to his ![]() + Poke the hell put of everyone in Early. + Always carry the game once late game is reached. + Insane Attack Speed which come helpful. Test PROS. |
- Missing Yellow Card when needed means you are screwed. - So Squishy till he buys Life Steal Items. - Can't manage himself in Early without a support. - As ADC, Enemy team will focus on killing you first. - Low DMG compared to other ADCs in Early. - Playing as AD means giving up on ![]() - Very squishy vs AD Assasins such as ![]() - Completely useless against ![]() Test CONS. |
Since our core items are revolved around Attack Speed and Life Steal, the best rune choice we would follow would likely be
Lethal Tempo since it gives you a boost for your life steal when soloing same enemies and it does allow you to reach a max of 3.00 attack speed instead of the actual max of 2.50 attack speed so more attack speed, means that you'll do more hits per second, proc-ing your on-hit items faster and more.
Overheal is a good choice since we depend on Life Steal items usually in our builds, which will help us gain excess healing in advance before deciding to gank to aid a specific lane.
Legend: Alacrity for more initial attack speed to survive in the jungle and similar reason for
Coup de Grace as well.
In domination tree, we do pick
Eyeball Collection for the increase in AD Damage and
Ultimate Hunter for more cooldown reduction on our ultimate.

In domination tree, we do pick

Our ultimate is obviously our main skill to the max to reduce it's cooldown, allowing us to use it faster to keep track of missing enemies and to gank to help our allies. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Once you go into the game, you either gonna buy
Refillable Potion or 3
Health Potion depending on what you need and what you feel comfortable with.
Second, you gonna head to your Red and ask Top or Bot to ward your blue, depending on where you started your game, either in Right Side or Left Side of the map.
Third, you either gonna unlock
Stacked Deck to kill the jungle monster quick for your ADC to go back to his farm, or
Pick A Card to use your Gold twice during the fight with the jungle monster, to reduce the amount of damage you receive so that you don't have to recall early to regain your health.
Don't bother to fight Raptors (Red Chickens) or Krugs (Twin Stone Monsters) early, because they're likely to kill you, so you either go to kill the wolf pack or Frog, then head get Rift Scuttler, before enemy jungle does.
When facing one jungle monster, you gonna use your gold card to stun him first from a distance, then continue killing it, and you could finish the monster using Blue Card if you want.
But when facing multiple jungle monsters like Raptors, Wolves or Krugs, you'd better start with your red card, then stun the pick monster in the pack.
It's better to gank early to assist your allies using your flash and yellow card, so don't forget to pay more attention to the map.
Also, and always do ward the jungle, because you don't want to end up facing any Assassin Jungle, who will just kill you once he spots you, which will result in your death.

Second, you gonna head to your Red and ask Top or Bot to ward your blue, depending on where you started your game, either in Right Side or Left Side of the map.
Third, you either gonna unlock

Don't bother to fight Raptors (Red Chickens) or Krugs (Twin Stone Monsters) early, because they're likely to kill you, so you either go to kill the wolf pack or Frog, then head get Rift Scuttler, before enemy jungle does.
When facing one jungle monster, you gonna use your gold card to stun him first from a distance, then continue killing it, and you could finish the monster using Blue Card if you want.
But when facing multiple jungle monsters like Raptors, Wolves or Krugs, you'd better start with your red card, then stun the pick monster in the pack.
It's better to gank early to assist your allies using your flash and yellow card, so don't forget to pay more attention to the map.
Also, and always do ward the jungle, because you don't want to end up facing any Assassin Jungle, who will just kill you once he spots you, which will result in your death.
Twisted Fate is a viable AD Jungle who can solo almost every champion in Late including tanks, and he can also be handy in team-fights using his Ultimate vision, which is a life saver when enemy went missing.
But.. his earlies ain't that good, and when faced with an assassin jungle, you're pretty much dead anyway, which will put your whole team in a huge disadvantage, leaving you behind, allowing enemy jungle to roam free and gank more, which will lead to the other team's victory early, preventing you from reaching late game where you shine.
So don't use Twisted Fate in Normal Blind at all and use him in Normal Draft and Ranked only, where you can know for sure whom you're facing, so when they pick and Assassin such as
Kha'Zix or
Master Yi, you could play another useful jungle champion to be most useful to your team.
But.. his earlies ain't that good, and when faced with an assassin jungle, you're pretty much dead anyway, which will put your whole team in a huge disadvantage, leaving you behind, allowing enemy jungle to roam free and gank more, which will lead to the other team's victory early, preventing you from reaching late game where you shine.
So don't use Twisted Fate in Normal Blind at all and use him in Normal Draft and Ranked only, where you can know for sure whom you're facing, so when they pick and Assassin such as

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