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Recommended Items
Runes: theicing
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order whatever
Friend of the Forest (PASSIVE)
Ivern Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Champion Build Guide
hey thanks for looking at my guide. just discovered this chunky frozen bark build messing around. it legit. just build _radient_. go into next item _tank_ no matter what. preferably _health_ over anything else. but soemtimes _frozen heart_ is a must second item. next i like to go _rylais_ or _de_ depending on the matchup. after that you can play around depending on who's ahead. if youre teams fat and nobody else is messin with you, stack health.
edit: after sitting on this for like a minute it is kind of silly. it does work though. atleast in lower elo. its sort of a trickster build. less troll more off meta confusing like. thank to the 100 people whio have viewed this so far!
play around with opponents. act like youre going to chase then stand still. place bushes in seemingly random places but strategically far back enough if you think you might retreat you can escape or farther ahead of you if youre about to push or if a team mate might be in trouble. also there is a delay when placing brush so either place it ahead of yourself or teamsmateswhen on the move.
youre job is to get everyone else fed and in the process, youll be stacking double digit assist and a nice sized takedown pile.
flank and invade early and very often. your passive allows you to clear jungle very efficiently. when invading, clear fast then rotate to a flank or objective. and dont take objectives without your ult or else youll get rektd. this build is all about staying two steps ahead of your opponents. and dont worry about cs as much. this build is super cheap. so if you do it right, the money from all of the assist will make up for it.
- happy critter freeing rift battles!
edit: after sitting on this for like a minute it is kind of silly. it does work though. atleast in lower elo. its sort of a trickster build. less troll more off meta confusing like. thank to the 100 people whio have viewed this so far!
play around with opponents. act like youre going to chase then stand still. place bushes in seemingly random places but strategically far back enough if you think you might retreat you can escape or farther ahead of you if youre about to push or if a team mate might be in trouble. also there is a delay when placing brush so either place it ahead of yourself or teamsmateswhen on the move.
youre job is to get everyone else fed and in the process, youll be stacking double digit assist and a nice sized takedown pile.
flank and invade early and very often. your passive allows you to clear jungle very efficiently. when invading, clear fast then rotate to a flank or objective. and dont take objectives without your ult or else youll get rektd. this build is all about staying two steps ahead of your opponents. and dont worry about cs as much. this build is super cheap. so if you do it right, the money from all of the assist will make up for it.
- happy critter freeing rift battles!
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