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+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
Prophet of an Elder God (PASSIVE)
Illaoi Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Ban him every time. There are no Old Tentacles in the Ghost zone.
Champion Build Guide
If you are going against a ranged champ up top, like Teemo or something like that, then stay back behind your dudes and use Tentacle Smash (Q) to last hit minions for gold. Try to line it up so it hits the enemy too, but don't go too deep cuz you have 0 movement options.
Just Chillllll man. When you get your (E), then try to snag that when you can. You wanna play near your tentacles, because a good player will be looking to get them out of the game.
If you are going up against a Non-ranged Champ, like a Garen or an Ornn, your gonna wanna press the attack. The more often you hit E, the more annoying mini games your opponent has to play while you farm in peace.
You're gonna wanna press W on all the squishies, ,and if they try to run away, or you are on cooldown.... then a Q doesn't hurt either. Even if you die, most of the time it is fine. Because either you got a triple or quardra, or the whole team is so low that your heavy hitter can sweep up the mess to get Dragon. The rest of the game snowballs from there. Be with your team, but make sure your teams is Getting in there....
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