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Illaoi Build Guide by TopBottomson

Top Illaoi, Squishie Squisher

Top Illaoi, Squishie Squisher

Updated on January 20, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TopBottomson Build Guide By TopBottomson 2,297 Views 0 Comments
2,297 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TopBottomson Illaoi Build Guide By TopBottomson Updated on January 20, 2021
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Legend: Tenacity
Last Stand

Cheap Shot
Ravenous Hunter

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


Spells (for toplane, duh)
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Illaoi, Squishie Squisher

By TopBottomson
Early Game
Look, I don't know how to make this guide look flashy. But I CAN tell you how not to suck with Illaoi.

If you are going against a ranged champ up top, like Teemo or something like that, then stay back behind your dudes and use Tentacle Smash (Q) to last hit minions for gold. Try to line it up so it hits the enemy too, but don't go too deep cuz you have 0 movement options.

Just Chillllll man. When you get your (E), then try to snag that when you can. You wanna play near your tentacles, because a good player will be looking to get them out of the game.

If you are going up against a Non-ranged Champ, like a Garen or an Ornn, your gonna wanna press the attack. The more often you hit E, the more annoying mini games your opponent has to play while you farm in peace.
Endish of laning
By now you should have your (R). Eat those river fruits to stay in lane if your jg allows it. Stay as long as you can. If the enemy Jungler comes in for a gank and they are kinda squishy, then backpeddle to 1 or 2 tentacles, and WHAM. Hit them with the E. Then hit R and mash W on the ghost first. This should usually be a double kill if you aren't too behind. This leads heavy into the next part.
Get In There Like Swim Wear
There it is! GITLSW! You have the tankiness to soak damage for your team ( provided they are present) So when the enemy team is bunched up, Hit that E on literally anyone, then Press R. That's HALF the job right there!
You're gonna wanna press W on all the squishies, ,and if they try to run away, or you are on cooldown.... then a Q doesn't hurt either. Even if you die, most of the time it is fine. Because either you got a triple or quardra, or the whole team is so low that your heavy hitter can sweep up the mess to get Dragon. The rest of the game snowballs from there. Be with your team, but make sure your teams is Getting in there....

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League of Legends Build Guide Author TopBottomson
TopBottomson Illaoi Guide
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Illaoi, Squishie Squisher

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