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I'm Korean ADC player.
These are all my Guide in the biggest Korean LOL community.
1. because of Ashe's passive, you should use AA twice or more always.
basically, when damage exchange, you should attack them twice or more(not once).
because of Ashe's passive(110% AD Damage), after you hit the target once, your damage is increased.
2. because of passive slow, you can attack them many times.
if you hit them anyway, opponents get slow and you can attack them more easily.
3. the more crit item, the slower the enemy.
when Ashe has more crit item or if the game is at late phase, Opponent can not cling to Ashe because of Passive slow.
when she have 100% crit item, the enemy is like a turtle.
basically, when damage exchange, you should attack them twice or more(not once).
because of Ashe's passive(110% AD Damage), after you hit the target once, your damage is increased.
2. because of passive slow, you can attack them many times.
if you hit them anyway, opponents get slow and you can attack them more easily.
3. the more crit item, the slower the enemy.
when Ashe has more crit item or if the game is at late phase, Opponent can not cling to Ashe because of Passive slow.
when she have 100% crit item, the enemy is like a turtle.
1. although the AA cancel(with using Q) benefit is deleted because of patch, still can cancel a little bit
when you use AA+Q, you can save AA delay about 60%
I mean it is faster when you use AA + Q-attack than AA + AA.
2. when you have full Q stacks, then don't be afraid of the bruiser
although Ashe is weak when she is alone,
if she has Q full stacks, there is nothing to knock down Ashe. she is really strong at the moment. don't run away from the bruiser.
i will upload more tomorrow..~
when you use AA+Q, you can save AA delay about 60%
I mean it is faster when you use AA + Q-attack than AA + AA.
2. when you have full Q stacks, then don't be afraid of the bruiser
although Ashe is weak when she is alone,
if she has Q full stacks, there is nothing to knock down Ashe. she is really strong at the moment. don't run away from the bruiser.
i will upload more tomorrow..~
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