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I'm Korean ADC player.
These are all my Guide in the biggest Korean LOL community.
1. E + Passive Attack + Q + Passive Attack
This is Basic Lucian Combo.
You should use this combo
[*] when you take lv2 faster than the opponent or they don't have CC. You should keep doing this to give them HP pressure.
[*] when Lucian's attack range doesn't reach to the opponent. you can not help using the only escaping important E skill.
even Jhin's 4th Attack is powerful, they must not ignore Lucian EQ Combo Damage.
2. Q + Passive Attack + E + Passive Attack
Actually, 'E + Passive Attack + Q + Passive Attack' is basic lucian combo. then when and why we should use 'Q + Passive Attack + E + Passive Attack' ?
[*] 'E + Passive Attack + Q + Passive Attack' is too dangerous because when you use E hasty, enemy jungle may come.
[*] when Lucian's attack range can reach them, you don't need to be in dangerous with using E first.
[*] like 'E + Passive Attack + Q + Passive Attack' combo, you can also cut the E cooldown 8 seconds if you use the combo like this.
at first, use Q
second, use Passive attack+E+Passive attack very fast. then you can see the E cooldown cut 8 seconds not 4!
This is Basic Lucian Combo.
You should use this combo
[*] when you take lv2 faster than the opponent or they don't have CC. You should keep doing this to give them HP pressure.
[*] when Lucian's attack range doesn't reach to the opponent. you can not help using the only escaping important E skill.
even Jhin's 4th Attack is powerful, they must not ignore Lucian EQ Combo Damage.
2. Q + Passive Attack + E + Passive Attack
Actually, 'E + Passive Attack + Q + Passive Attack' is basic lucian combo. then when and why we should use 'Q + Passive Attack + E + Passive Attack' ?
[*] 'E + Passive Attack + Q + Passive Attack' is too dangerous because when you use E hasty, enemy jungle may come.
[*] when Lucian's attack range can reach them, you don't need to be in dangerous with using E first.
[*] like 'E + Passive Attack + Q + Passive Attack' combo, you can also cut the E cooldown 8 seconds if you use the combo like this.
at first, use Q
second, use Passive attack+E+Passive attack very fast. then you can see the E cooldown cut 8 seconds not 4!
1. use minions
2. you should use skill in kind of deleting AA delay.
do not use skill when your Q is on.
To lessen your damage loss, you should use AA first and use Q!!
it's called in Korea 'Deleting AA between AA delay'
this method is also used in E skill.
To delete AA between AA delay through skill.
i will keep uploading tommorrow~
2. you should use skill in kind of deleting AA delay.
do not use skill when your Q is on.
To lessen your damage loss, you should use AA first and use Q!!
it's called in Korea 'Deleting AA between AA delay'
this method is also used in E skill.
To delete AA between AA delay through skill.
i will keep uploading tommorrow~
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