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Draw a Bead: Great attack range increase. Lets you sit back and deal damage from far away.
Rapid Fire: Great attack speed increase. Very useful in teamfights to focus down single targets.
Rocket Jump: Great escape. Recharges when you get an assist/kill so you can hop around during teamfights or escape after a kill.
Explosive Shot: Remember to throw this onto the enemy AD Carry so it will be harder to heal him/her. Passive is perfect early game for CS.
Buster Shot: Works well in correlation with Rocket Jump to push people back after you jump. Can also be used to push people into your tower.
Bloodthirster: That lifesteal. So good early game.
[/b]Infinity Edge: Correlates quite well with Statikk Shiv's crit chance. Must have for all hyper carries.[/b]
Phantom Dancer: Great item especially with her q. Plus the crits just deals massive amounts of damage.
Last Whisper: Standard ADC item. Good all around.
Tristana is generally good if you stay back from the teamfight and deal damage from far away with her passive. Beforehand though, throw Explosive Shot on the AD Carry so it make it easier for your team to take him down. If your team loses the teamfight and your still alive, use Buster Shot to push most of their team back from chasing you.
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