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+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Blade's End (PASSIVE)
Talon Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
How to
Basically the whole focus of this is Talon as I envision him, the sort of in and out assassin who's extremely slippery.
The weak part about this setup is without electrocute you lose alot of damage and trading potential. I actually don't suggest this build against other assassin's because they will just out damage you. But against mages like Ori, or fighters like Yone/Yasuo you can kite them around while procing your passive at the same time
The weak part about this setup is without electrocute you lose alot of damage and trading potential. I actually don't suggest this build against other assassin's because they will just out damage you. But against mages like Ori, or fighters like Yone/Yasuo you can kite them around while procing your passive at the same time
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