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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Voracity (PASSIVE)
Katarina Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
About me
Katarina is considered broken after her rework and has high ban rate in high elo, but this is not a case in low elo. Katarina has high all in potential against most of the champions and has amazing roams. She still gets shut down by CC so make sure u know when your enemy has used their cc and go in and win teamfight for your team.
My main strategy against mages is farming under tower and asking for gank after lvl 6, if you have ignite, you can try to 1v1 your enemy before 6.
My usual powerspike is after gunblade, completed shoes and ludens echo, after that, your combos start to really hurt, if im fed, i go deathcap after it instead of situational item with some resistances.
My main strategy against mages is farming under tower and asking for gank after lvl 6, if you have ignite, you can try to 1v1 your enemy before 6.
My usual powerspike is after gunblade, completed shoes and ludens echo, after that, your combos start to really hurt, if im fed, i go deathcap after it instead of situational item with some resistances.
+ Strong all in potential
+ Unstopable if fed
+ Alot outplay possibilities
+ good for low elo
+ worth of mastering
+ good roams
+ scales well to midgame
+ good waveclear
+ mobility
- very squeshy
- countered by CC
- weak against most mid champions before 6
- falls off late game
- not many buildpaths
+ Strong all in potential
+ Unstopable if fed
+ Alot outplay possibilities
+ good for low elo
+ worth of mastering
+ good roams
+ scales well to midgame
+ good waveclear
+ mobility
- very squeshy
- countered by CC
- weak against most mid champions before 6
- falls off late game
- not many buildpaths
I always go Hextech Gunblade first becuase it gives me good powerspike for 1v1:ing enemy laner.
Second item and boots are always ludens Echo and Sorcerers Shoes becuase they give huge powerspike what makes my roams super efficent.
4th item is deathcap if im fed, if im not fed, i go rylai or abyssal scepter for some resistances and ap, and leave deathcap fifth.
Last item usually is magic pen item void staff or liandrys, but if im fed, i go guardian angel just to stay alive.
And for situationals zhonias hourglass is must buy first item against fizz and zed.
Second item and boots are always ludens Echo and Sorcerers Shoes becuase they give huge powerspike what makes my roams super efficent.
4th item is deathcap if im fed, if im not fed, i go rylai or abyssal scepter for some resistances and ap, and leave deathcap fifth.
Last item usually is magic pen item void staff or liandrys, but if im fed, i go guardian angel just to stay alive.
And for situationals zhonias hourglass is must buy first item against fizz and zed.
Flash is always required
For second summoner spell
Ignite against low mobility mages and champions that you are confident that you can kill.
Exhaust against all in assassins like zed and yasuo
Teleport against high burst champions who can bully you in lane like veigar and jayce
Clarity against midlaners with cc like ryze, syndra and annie
For second summoner spell
Ignite against low mobility mages and champions that you are confident that you can kill.
Exhaust against all in assassins like zed and yasuo
Teleport against high burst champions who can bully you in lane like veigar and jayce
Clarity against midlaners with cc like ryze, syndra and annie
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