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this ***** is your worst nightmare if you miss a spear your dead if you hit your spear your probably still dead id reccomend just avoiding her as much as possible and spamming spears this game is not a game your gonna be carrying if she has half a brain
elise can be kinda hard to play against because he spiderlings can block your spears but as long as you dodge her cocoon youll be fine but late game shes stronger then you 1v1 so watch out
this sushi man will murder you and probably dodge all of your spears you out damage him early game but after he gets 6 id reccomend not fighting him unless your more fed and confident watch out for his e it can completely ruin half your combo
evelynn isint much of a problem yes shes annoying as **** but not hard to play against just dont let her get fed and get your team and you to buy pinks you can generally 1v1 her throughout all parts of the game
you could probably miss your spear and kill him still tbh
aatrox is not much a problem your gonna want to camp his jungle early and mid to prevent him from getting devourer you outdamage him until he gets devourer and guinsoos or a hydra so go ham but dont get knocked up because he can still dish out a lot of damage with a full combo especially since your one of the squishyest champs on the game
completely useless and easily killed until he gets like 3 items not really a problem
why the **** is he playing cho jungle....
pre 6 you rape him after that try not to fight him because his silence and feast is stupid asf
fiora jungle? wtf kys
not very hard to deal with just dont stand in his bubble and watch out for ulti you beat him early and mid game but late game he outdamages you in close range unless you hit a spear ofc
Jarvan IV
hes not very hard to deal with you outdamage him until he gets 2 or 3 items although watch out for his e/q combo if you get hit by it your probably dead
gragas has about the same damage output as you and its hard to dodge his abilities he can also cancel your jump with 2 different skills and is tanky i dont reccomend counter jungling him i do reccomend counter ganking though
Dr. Mundo
mundos usually build health so you can burst him throughout all parts of the game and his cleavers are really easy to dodge id reccomend trying to kill him early if your good at dodging them if not dont bother counter jungling him
you can easily kill him early game he has 2 power spikes in the early-mid game level 6 and devourer so when he hits devourer i wouldent try fighting him
graves is kinda ridiculous he does alot of damage and is tanky dont fight him in the jungle his q will pretty much half health you and 3 autos will finish the job so dont counter jungle him
do you really need to ask? just ****ing kill him
easy to kill early highly reccomend counter jungling watch out for her devourer guinsoos power spike and her ulti is annoying asf 2 overall not a problem though
this is one of the few champions you can not outrun so dont try to kite him you can probably kill him up to level 4 past that i wouldent reccomend counter jungling
he can be pretty damn annoying but as long as you hit spears you can **** on him and i wouldent reccomend counter jungling because of his passive but you can duel him anytime mid game watch out late game though because he can invis and burst you
in my experiance kindred players are terrible they do alot of damage at about level 4 and there ulti is annoying but you can fight them at any point in the game as long as you hit spears
Lee Sin
he will do almost as much damage as you early and is generally tankyer and more mobile i wouldent reccomend counter jungling
its a ****ing rock he cant do anything to you till he hits 6 then you become a little ***** and submit to his dominance
easy to deal with cant really fight you id reccomend counter jungling dont fight him 1v1 after he gets a few items though too tanky too much cc
Master Yi
same as kayle and jax pretty much just watch out for there power spikes you can counter jungle but he can be tricky to fight because of his q and w
stop playing normals you peice of ****
dont fight him lots of damage lots of cc very tanky if u go in you get punished stay back chuck spears dont counter jungle unless confident
Nunu & Willump
who the hell plays nunu all he does is spit snowballs
hes hard to deal with because of his passsive dont counter jungle dont duel him 1v1
you cant really fight him unless you can 100-0 him because he gets more lifesteal and damage as his health lowers and can spam his axe like 6 times before oom early lots of dmg..... and he gets really tanky
noct can be really annoying after 6 he can **** you up whenever he feels like it dont 1v1 unless he has no ulti and no shield
gets to be really tanky and does a bit of damage i dont reccomend counter jungling but u can
i highly reccomend counter jungling shut her down as soon as possible or pay the price when she gets mobis watch out for her blind
shes tanky and does true damage and is mobile and has a knockup that can run your combo and can see u from a mile away dont counter jungle or duel 1v1
cats are op and dangerous he fears you as much as you fear him if you hit spear first you win if he hits empowered q or e you probs lose fight avoid bushes when fighting him btw
not tooo big of a problem easy to fight hard to kill though pretty tanky and has cc id reccomend counter jungling early game
watch out for the counter jungle thats about all i have to say about him
hard to fight at all points in the game faster then you and tanky does quite a bit of damage too dont 1v1 or counter jungle
Tahm Kench
dodge his q try to kite him and dont let him eat you you can fight him as long as you can dodge his q
dont reccomend fighting him he steals your ad and gains ad cant cancel your pounce early game you have a chance but only if you hit max range spears after 6 dont fight
out damages you runs faster and is tankyer watch out for his q or r both will kill you very fast dont counter jungle
you can fight her early but you cant do jack **** when she hits level 6 she can perma cc u pretty much and burst u can counter jungle before 6
counter jungle before 6 after 6 dont 1v1 or counter jungle avoid him if possible
this is a skill matchup really try not to attack his clone you can counter jungle him before he hits 6
Xin Zhao
xin can be a major headache he susatains ridiculously and does insane damage and is pretty fast dont reccomend counter jungling unless confident
On bot side if you plan on invading there blue start red and go straight to there blue afterwards and then go back to your jungle and clear as much as you can before backing or clear 1 hit to hit level 3 then gank a lane
blue and invading red then start blue buff go straight to red afterwards and take one more camp from ur jung and gank or clear as much as u can before backing
Normal full clear blue side: Krugs smite them>red>scuttle>raptors>wolves>blue(smite it)>gromp
Red side:Gromp>blue(smite it)>scuttle>wolves>red(smite it)>raptors>krugs
this is my preferred full clears although i usually do these
if red side gromp>blue(smite it)>red(smite it)>gank top or mid
is blue side Krugs(smite it)>red>blue(smite it)>gank top or mid
if you need to camp bot and you can then do the oposite gromp>blue>red>bot gank for blue side
or for red krugs>red>blue
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