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Viktor Build Guide by UGANDANMILITIA

Middle iranian Soldier Viktor

Middle iranian Soldier Viktor

Updated on January 3, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author UGANDANMILITIA Build Guide By UGANDANMILITIA 2,889 Views 0 Comments
2,889 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author UGANDANMILITIA Viktor Build Guide By UGANDANMILITIA Updated on January 3, 2020
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Taste of Blood
Eyeball Collection
Ravenous Hunter

Manaflow Band

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


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Champion Build Guide

iranian Soldier Viktor

level 1 u rpae most hroes. u can cancl q by moving to cncl. my name is ibrahim ibrahim. send guyde to uyr friend for 300 luck of allah/

I'd put this in Tips and Tricks but this goes for basically every matchup. Your goal is to slowly stack manaflow during lane before you reset. You'll usually start E to get the easy proc off, I don't do Q start that often because people aren't really going to be in range for your 2nd proc of Q. I like E because of how consistent it is mostly and because you don't have to lose any hp at all going for e trades because you'll usually just outrange them. Playing vs champions like LB early on you'll want to try and get a shove because whoever hits level 2 first and gets the trade off will usually get a huge lead from lane early on. Playing vs something like Ori or Syn you kind of have to play a little slower because you can't really outshove their Q push level one so just try to land E's without eating too much poke. Try to constantly auto minions in these matchups to keep wave at a neutral spot and not get shoved under tower early on and get poked while trying to last hit. So please just remember, when you first E, you'll proc manaflow and when your E comes off CD there'll be like 2-3 seconds before you can proc manaflow again, WAIT THOSE FEW SECONDS THEN USE E DON'T POKE WITHOUT USING MANAFLOW OR YOU'LL RUN OOM SUPER FAST AFTER YOU RESET. Your goal is to first stack manaflow THEN after you reset and get an extra dorans ring or hexcore start trying to play really aggro but aslong as you have vision.
how to play
your main build is most of the time going to be first hexcore > large rods > deathcap > finish hexcore. Third core item is lichbane and then rest is usually situational. Some games where you need Zhonyas first but that's like vs Fizz and Zed only. Obviously we won't always end of with enough gold for large rods every single time which is why there'll be games where I just finish full hexcore first instead. A lot of people aren't the biggest fan of this build because of how low cd and mana it is so it takes quite a bit of games getting used to not being able to spam laser like you'd be able to ludens. I find the build a lot better because you're way stronger at two items and just keep scaling harder than if you had gone ludens 2nd. Going ludens you're never really going to have enough damage to one rotation a carry if you're both even, it's a decent build if you're kind of relying on teammates to finish off the enemies but if your playstyle is greedy and you never help your teammates early like me than spiking earlier at two items is important. Early game there's not one definitive build order, 90% of the time it depends on how much goal you based on so don't worry if you don't always end up getting perfect build order or whatever.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author UGANDANMILITIA
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iranian Soldier Viktor

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