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She is tanky and she deals tons of damage :)
This is going to be my version of her items and playstyle. Her build is fantastic, but it costs A LOT OF MONEY. You need to farm a lot on your lane and pick up kills. But it worth it.
AD champion: deals mainly physical damage
(AP bonus is only in the Equilibrium Strike and you can also deal magic damage with your Sheen after using an ability)
Off-tank: It means, that you can be tanky and also deal damage. You should build items combinating damage and attack speed + HP, armor and magic resist.
Solo top: You are alone in a top lane, farming, not pushing, waiting for you jungler to gang.
(AP bonus is only in the Equilibrium Strike and you can also deal magic damage with your Sheen after using an ability)
Off-tank: It means, that you can be tanky and also deal damage. You should build items combinating damage and attack speed + HP, armor and magic resist.
Solo top: You are alone in a top lane, farming, not pushing, waiting for you jungler to gang.
+ + +
- - -
Great farmer with Q
High damage with only a few offensive items
Has stun / slow
Can heal herself by attacking
Can easily kill enemy carries
With a full build can win a game 1v5
High ranged ultimate
- - -
Squishy early game
She needs a good jungler
Items dependent
Melee range
She's got nerfed
Skillshot ultimate
I am not going to describe all of the abilities (you should already know them) I think it is waste of time a place. Don't forget to check the runes, masteries and ability sequence in the beggining.
* Start with Doran's Shield when you are going against melee AD, such as Garen. It gives you HP, armor and HP regen. But well, if you are not a fan of Doran's stuff, you can simply buy Boots and 3 Health Potion.
*Just last hit minions with basic attack or Q Bladesurge. Don't push your lane, so your jungler can gank instead of the enemy.
*Ward your lane.
*The second spell is E Equilibrium Strike It is important. For example, when Jax jumps on you and low your HP, you stun him while you and your minions are attacking him. He will be really angry to take more damage than you ;)
*First max W Hiten Style because of its passive and true damage.
*Combo: W → Q → E → R → R → R → R → E → Q (and again Q on enemy minion if you towerdived and killed the enemy with your jump = CD refresh + half mana back). You can also use Ignite to finish him if you are scared from addicional damage from turret.
*Push you lane only to get some time to gank mid.
*Destroy enemy caries 1st. You are an assasin!
*Go to a teamfigt as the second one, after your tank.
* Start with Doran's Shield when you are going against melee AD, such as Garen. It gives you HP, armor and HP regen. But well, if you are not a fan of Doran's stuff, you can simply buy Boots and 3 Health Potion.
*Just last hit minions with basic attack or Q Bladesurge. Don't push your lane, so your jungler can gank instead of the enemy.
*Ward your lane.
*The second spell is E Equilibrium Strike It is important. For example, when Jax jumps on you and low your HP, you stun him while you and your minions are attacking him. He will be really angry to take more damage than you ;)
*First max W Hiten Style because of its passive and true damage.
*Combo: W → Q → E → R → R → R → R → E → Q (and again Q on enemy minion if you towerdived and killed the enemy with your jump = CD refresh + half mana back). You can also use Ignite to finish him if you are scared from addicional damage from turret.
*Push you lane only to get some time to gank mid.
*Destroy enemy caries 1st. You are an assasin!
*Go to a teamfigt as the second one, after your tank.
Thank you for reading, summoners, I hope you understood my english.
I have to say, that I know this is not the best Irelia guide ever, I didn't spend more than 1 hour by writing it. However, it is the most useful guide, because I showed you the only right build on her. You'r welcome and hatters gonna hate ;)
I have to say, that I know this is not the best Irelia guide ever, I didn't spend more than 1 hour by writing it. However, it is the most useful guide, because I showed you the only right build on her. You'r welcome and hatters gonna hate ;)
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