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Ability Order
Ionian Fervor (PASSIVE)
Irelia Passive Ability
Rush hydra so you can do sick AOE dmg as irelia, it helps the waveclear and makes you insanly scary. Your dmg output will be crazy with hydra. If the lane goes to **** rush Guardian angel and bait the other toplaner to engage on you, and he '' kills '' you he is quite low when you come back to life and you can kill him.
As irelia i usually like to start of with Q, reason why is that you trick your opponent into thinking you are trash by starting it. level 2 i like to take E just to stun him and show who is the real boss toplane. After that i put 1 point is W, W is not that good as everyone says since it does absolutly nothing but give you hp on hit and when activated it does true dmg, ignore this spell becaus Bladesurge is the way to go with this build.
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