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Ability Order
Ionian Fervor (PASSIVE)
Irelia Passive Ability
The runes I picked give you good damage and armor value early game and high magic resist mid/late game. Health Quintessences are a great overall choice in my opinion. You could pick armour penetration if you'd like more damage, but I've never switched ever since I bought these because they are so effective.
Doran's Blade is a very good first item because of the extra attack damage and health which you need early game. After that you just need the boots of speed for that movement speed and Sheen gives you all the damage you need for a few levels. Guardian Angel gives you a lot of resistences and the passive is great for if you might not survive your initiation. Finishing Trinity Force will give you even more damage and after that you should soon pick up Hextech Gunblade. Now you choose the rest of you're defencive items because you're damage is high enough. Even late game they will fear you. I picked Banchee's Veil and Randuin's Omen, but other options are Force of Nature and/or Spirit Visage. Together with Spirit Visage this should give you an amazing amount of healing and regeneration.
Early game
Try to pay attention on your opponents. Especially the squishy ones. If one of them if closing in, press your Q to see if you are in range. If you are in range and the situation is good, just go for it. Q in and then E. If you might be able to kill your opponent just keep hitting. If not, just back off.
Mid game
Now it's your job to run around and do the same as you did early game, but now on all the lanes and you can sneak from being.
Late game
Still try to jump on the squishy targets. This should now be a lot harder with the tank in from of them, but not impossible. Because of the CC reduction of your boots and passive can run in and even in you get stunned just keep going when it's gone. Kill the target and just GTFO.
Try to pay attention on your opponents. Especially the squishy ones. If one of them if closing in, press your Q to see if you are in range. If you are in range and the situation is good, just go for it. Q in and then E. If you might be able to kill your opponent just keep hitting. If not, just back off.
Mid game
Now it's your job to run around and do the same as you did early game, but now on all the lanes and you can sneak from being.
Late game
Still try to jump on the squishy targets. This should now be a lot harder with the tank in from of them, but not impossible. Because of the CC reduction of your boots and passive can run in and even in you get stunned just keep going when it's gone. Kill the target and just GTFO.
Irelia is super fun to play this way. Keep looking for those holes in the front line and punish them for it. After a few games you should get the hang of it and after that you'll have even more fun! FUN FUN FUN FUN!
This is my first guide and I hope you liked it. Please tell me what i did wrong/right so that way I can improve. If you like it I'll write a guide for Akali. (Maybe I'll do it anyway haha)
This is my first guide and I hope you liked it. Please tell me what i did wrong/right so that way I can improve. If you like it I'll write a guide for Akali. (Maybe I'll do it anyway haha)
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