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LoL Best Irelia Build Guides 2024

Build guides for Irelia on MOBAFire. Find recommended items and runes by high ranked players to learn the best Irelia builds. Create your own champion guide!

Season 9 Guides
LoL Champion Irelia Build Guide
LoL Champion Irelia Build Guide

[8.24]This land will be their graveyard![IN-DEPTH IRELIA GUI

Guide by undeadsoldiers updated December 9, 2018
  • In-depth
LoL Champion Irelia Build Guide
LoL Champion Irelia Build Guide

[8.24] Irelia Top - Ionian's Pride

Guide by Ghodye updated December 14, 2018
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Irelia Build Guide
LoL Champion Irelia Build Guide

Irelia in Pre-season 9

Guide by TrashIreliaxd updated December 4, 2018
Season 9 Builds
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Irelia Build Guide
LoL Champion Irelia Build Guide

Irelia guide to carry pentakill Top/Mid

Build by molbriwat updated November 13, 2019
LoL Champion Irelia Build Guide
LoL Champion Irelia Build Guide

Pusan's Irelia Jungle Guide

Build by Pusan updated October 20, 2019
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Irelia Build Guide
LoL Champion Irelia Build Guide

how to destroy top lane with irelia

Build by dark shadow 2020 updated October 21, 2019
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Irelia Build Guide
LoL Champion Irelia Build Guide

Gabrielzinnn IRELIA Guide patch [9.20]

Build by Gabrielzinnn updated October 19, 2019
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Irelia Build Guide
LoL Champion Irelia Build Guide

ExoticBuild ( Irelia ) ( jngl )

Build by EmileYuna updated October 6, 2019
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Irelia Build Guide
LoL Champion Irelia Build Guide

Irelia Mid/Top/Adc : Full sustain

Build by Carrying Bonobos updated September 26, 2019
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Irelia Build Guide
LoL Champion Irelia Build Guide

The OP / Nerf Irelia Guide Top Lane | Patch 9.19

Build by koenvdvliet updated September 24, 2019
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Irelia Build Guide
LoL Champion Irelia Build Guide

Faker - Irelia Guide "NEW META"

Build by Nawy updated September 23, 2019
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Irelia Build Guide
LoL Champion Irelia Build Guide

Remember the Placidium! | Irelia guide

Build by PlacidiumGirl updated September 16, 2019
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Irelia Build Guide
LoL Champion Irelia Build Guide


Build by LeSpatula updated September 8, 2019
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Irelia Build Guide
LoL Champion Irelia Build Guide

Irelia God

Build by MrCakeThe1st updated September 8, 2019
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Irelia Build Guide
LoL Champion Irelia Build Guide


Build by krystiansen1 updated August 25, 2019
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Irelia Build Guide
LoL Champion Irelia Build Guide

Irellia Mid Lane

Build by jcolzee updated August 17, 2019
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Irelia Build Guide
LoL Champion Irelia Build Guide


Build by Cats Finder updated August 19, 2019
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Irelia Build Guide
LoL Champion Irelia Build Guide

The Ability Power Irelia

Build by GORE Klabok updated August 10, 2019
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Irelia Build Guide
LoL Champion Irelia Build Guide

Hurt and subvert | Irelia Top

Build by KlTTEYN updated August 5, 2019
Rating Pending
LoL Champion Irelia Build Guide
LoL Champion Irelia Build Guide

Irelia Guide

Build by L3zRoyer updated August 12, 2019

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide