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Runes: Default
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Default
More Sparkles! (PASSIVE)
Zoe Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Her E invalidates your E, and she has a really easy root to hit whenever you R, this matchup sucks.
Ezreal can't be caught out due to his E, and makes up for your lack of consistent early poke with his own. Zoe finally gets to hang out with her crush...
Ezreal can't be caught out due to his E, and makes up for your lack of consistent early poke with his own. Zoe finally gets to hang out with her crush...
Champion Build Guide
- Incredibly High Dmg : Zoe as a champion has extremely high damage with her normal Electrocute combo, and adding an item to prok Electrocute gives you more versatility in your damage output. Adding on to this Zoe's active range is incredible thanks to her R, allowing from many unexpected one shots and sleep setups.
- More Utility : Adding an active item to Zoe's kit allows her to act more like a support than she usually would thanks to giving her more in kit utility. Having more item uptime thanks to the low item cooldown and W allows a lot of different plays and adds more skill expression to the already expressive Zoe. Everfrost gives Zoe self peel and easy E setups while Rocketbelt gives more in combat move speed and allows more chase to easily hit E's.
- Great Roaming and Kill Potential : Zoe already has great roaming in her normal role, and it's the same as a support. Your sleep sets up for really easy kills and you can be a great river fighter due to the amount of walls for unexpected bubbles, just like mid Zoe. Helping snowball mid while also snowballing yourself help you both scale, and having an item lead on Zoe can be the difference between oneshotting or not.
- Mage Support : You have the same weaknesses as other popular mage supports such as Lux and Brand, your items will cost more than normal supports and you can fall off later by other enchanters who can provide more than you. Although Zoe has a lot of raw damage it's now always enough to carry a team and you can be useless if you have a bad start. People who know how to deal with you in lane and outscale you are a big threat.
Hard Pre 6 : Unlike mid Zoe, support Zoe has a bit harder time poking and sustaining in bot lane just due to the nature of her kit. Zoe has a lot of single target damage, while bot lane has 2 enemies. If the enemy knows how to stay behind minions and play safe it can be hard to find openings to land your Q and E. Try to hit E over walls such as the tribush wall or the small wall at the crevice in the middle of the lane.
Squishy / Low Mobility : Zoe suffers from having very little escape when caught out, and as stated previously can lack self peel for herself and others. This leaves Zoe vulnerable to assassins and has no way to shield herself like other enchanter supports can.
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